
Jun 5, 20234 min

AIR 💨 Signs| Weekly Predictions ☕️ (06/05-06/09) What's the energy 🧿 this week pooh?

| Sun ️, Moon 🌝, Rising 🌅 + Venus 💘|




All of my readings are timeless which means there's no time limit on when things can happen. (Past, present or future)

Gemini ️ , Libra ️ + Aquarius

🙌🏽 Higher-Self Message This Week: (say this positive affirmation every day this week to connect with your higher-self this week)

"I forgive anyone who has hurt me in the past."

AIR 💨 signs, what's the tea ☕ with y'all this week⁉

🌸 Significant Signs/Placements Connected: Gemini ♊ • Aries ♈ • Leo ♌ • Sagittarius ♐ • Taurus ♉ • Virgo ♍ • Capricorn ♑

🔮 Energy:

📌 Air 💨 babies this week I'm seeing you treating yourselves to a much needed "pamper me" day and if this isn't your energy I'm seeing that this needs to be your energy. You've been putting in a lot of time and energy into others and it's time for you to pour that energy back into you this week. Do something nice for yourself this week even if you just take time to relax around the house. For others, this comes from you putting in a lot of hard work and dedication either at work or in your own business and you just need a self-care day. Just like last week, you're being asked to shuffle your music 3xs for a guided song/message from your angels 👼🏽 for the week. What song did you get and what message did you get from that song? What do you think your angels 👼🏽 are trying to tell you?

📌 Angel 👼🏽 #777 is significant this week Air 💨 babies. You could've been seeing this angel number a lot or you'll start seeing it a lot more this week. You're receiving confirmation from your angels 👼🏽 of the path you're on spiritually. If you've been question you path they're advising you not to give up no matter how hard things might be or get. I'm seeing that in the midst of your mess you'll be receiving some good news this week. For some of you, this is news about money coming in for you or the start of a new job or some type of opportunity you're being blessed with. I'm seeing you juggling a lot this week...This could be juggling two jobs to bring in more money in your house...This could be you juggling a 9-5 and your own business until you're comfortable enough to work your business full time....This could be you juggling your love, home, family, work, etc...Whatever it is that you're juggling you need to find balance this week because this will help things run smoother for you.

📌 Your spirit guides and angels 👼🏽 are reminding you that you're guided, protected and loved 🥰. If you've been seeing Angel 👼🏽 #444 or seeing 4:44 on your clock or anywhere that is your reminder. Whatever dreams you've been working towards or thinking about they are being manifested or this is a sign for you to wake up and chase your dreams instead of putting them off. Air 💨 babies it's time for you to look forward instead of focusing on what's behind you. You can't manifest good things if you're so focused on things that are now of the past. I'm seeing good news being communicated to you this week or you communicating good news to someone. I'm picking up you feeling like you're receiving a breath of fresh air and things are starting to fall into place. I'm seeing an Aries ♈️ being significant this week. For some of you, you need to trust your intuition with this individual. As for others, you and this Aries ♈️ will be in s better space and communication will be much easier.

📌 If you're married/engaged I'm seeing an outsider being envious of your partnership. This person might speak negatively about your relationship to others or their might be someone who's envious and trying to come between you and your significant other this week.

🌸 🫧 Extra Tea ☕️:

🌸 You receive a surprise from spirit this week as a reward for perseverance and dedication throughout your struggles here lately.

🌸 You may be faced with an energy of upheaval this week, understand that this is necessary in order to bring about a needed change in your life. It may fed undesirable but you will soon see the bigger picture.

🌸 An exciting opportunity coming your way this week that will connect you with new people that will help you expand your social network.

🌸 You will endure a heavy mourning period this week after a loss but you will overcome it within time.

🌸 Someone sending you the evil eye 🧿 this week and it being blocked by your angels 👼🏽 and ancestors. You're divinely protected.

🌸 Celebrating 🥳 good news or the birth of a baby or a pregnancy 🤰🏽. Some of you could be celebrating 🥳 a birthday this week as well (Gemini's♊️) happy birthday 🎂 to all of my Gemini's ♊️ by the way.

🌸 Seeing Angel 👼🏽 #888 a lot this week. Air 💨 babies this week I'm seeing a lot of you with a heavy workload. Some of you are so focused on securing the bag that you are neglecting other areas in your life. I don't know who this is for but you need to find balance and make sure you're catering to your significant other if you have one.

🌸 This week there's something that you need to take action on. This could be something that you've putting off or procrastinating with for some time. If you're wondering if you should move forward with something this week spirit is giving you the greenlight and it's "GO" time. If you're waiting on the answer to something I'm seeing a "yes".

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart ❤️ if you enjoyed the weekly energy tea!

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"This is for entertainment purposes only. Take whatever information you receive from any tarotscope and do with it as you please!"