
Mar 73 min

Connecting with Your Angels 🪽: Mini Angel Number Msgs to Guide You For March 🌱 • Elements 🌏💨🔥💦

Air 💨 & Fire 🔥 Signs

Gemini • Aquarius • Libra • Aries • Leo • Sagittarius

 | Sun ️, Moon 🌝, Rising 🌅 + Venus 💘|

🫧 This month you can expect major changes in your life. Get prepared for a big shift in a new direction. This isn't to say where you were going was wrong but your angels 👼🏽 are encouraging you to shift gears. If you've been seeing Angel 👼🏽 #555 this is confirmation that this message is for you. You'll grow a lot spiritually in March. A lot of things will happen in your life that might not be comfortable for you but it's all for your spiritual growth. Luck 🍀 is on your side this month with Angel 👼🏽 #777 showing up in your energy. This month is a good month for you to play the lottery, purchase a scratch off, or enter a contest prize as the odds are in your favor. Your angels 👼🏽 are trusting you to make the right decision this month so they're not meddling in your decision making process. They want you to know that you have free will to do as you please and it's up to you to trust in yourselves as well. They'll give you clues you need to unlock 🔓 your spiritual gifts and psychic abilities but it isn't their job to control the decisions that you make because they're only job is to guide but what you do is up to you. You can take the clues they give you or you can be hardheaded and bump your head but you know what they say, "A hard head makes for a soft ass." Your angels are encouraging you to take chances this month and leave no room for doubt or fear. You're being encouraged to express yourself freely, creatively, and productively. You're being alerted to take positive action without hesitation this month. Your lucky 🍀 stars ✨ are in perfect alignment for you. You're given signs that you're protected. Your angels want you to know that you are safe and protected. You will be able to feel the warmth around you from your angels this month. Karma is working out in your favor. Remember what you put out is what you'll get back so make sure you're putting out good things this month.



All of my readings are timeless, so there's no time limit on when things can happen. (Past, present, or future)

Earth 🌎 & Water 💦 Signs 

Taurus • Virgo • Capricorn • Cancer • Scorpio • Pisces

| Sun ️, Moon 🌝, Rising 🌅 + Venus 💘|

🫧 May is a significant month for you. This could be the month you receive something you've prayed for or manifested. Some of you will be celebrating a birthday in May (Taurus). You could hear some good news or celebrate something special in May. This month, whatever you're manifesting could come into fruition in May. You're being advised to take into consideration all of the blessings in your life. You will realize that you have a lot to be grateful for. You have achieved a lot so far. You're receiving more confirmation to show gratitude. Angel #8888 this is confirmation that this message is for you. Show appreciation for the beauty and power in your talents and abilities. You should avoid being extravagant this month and make it a point to save for a rainy day ahead. I'm picking up the energy of an unexpected expense this month. Just be ready for the trying times that are on the horizon. Balance and priorities are required this month in order to achieve success in your relationships, health, goals, and finances. Your angels 👼🏽 are reminding you of your uniqueness. There is no one like you and that is your power. You're meant to stand out. Be the best you can be this month and moving forward! Learning never stops the more knowledge you acquire, the more you improve and grow as a person. Be inquisitive about the world 🌎 around you. Your angels 👼🏽 are helping you improve your creative talents this month. You are also being helped with upgrading your life. Get ready!!!

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart ❤️ if you enjoyed this post!

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"This is for entertainment purposes only. Take whatever information you receive from any tarotscope and do with it as you please!"