
Oct 5, 20221 min

Spiritual 🌸 Tips πŸ’« β€” Random Magical πŸ§™πŸ½β€β™€οΈ Tips

I’m sure you’re here because you want insight on random witch tips.

🌻 Stir your coffee β˜•οΈ clockwise πŸ•° to bring in good energy.

🌻 Wear a bandana over your head to protect your energy from negative people.

🌻 Carry a Citrine Crystal with you as an effective shield against jealousy and spite. It can also be used to attract prosperity.

🌻 Sprinkle dried ginger root into your pockets or purse πŸ‘œ to increase your finances.

🌻 Keep a basil leaf in your wallet with your money to have it return to you in abundance.

🌻 Burry a raw egg near the entrance of your home to allow abundance to flow to you.

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After reading this post,

I hope everyone who has read this post has received some insight.

Thank you so much for your support and walking with me through my journey and for allowing me to assist you with guiding you through yours! xoxoxo The Spiritual Unicorn πŸ¦„