
Mar 17, 20228 min

Full Moon πŸŒ• in Virgo on March 17th and 18th + How it affects all 12 signs⁉️ What's the TEA πŸ‘€β˜•οΈ ⁉️

Spiritual Themes: Practicality, Solitude, Introspection, Service + Groundness.

Crystals To Work With For the Full Moon in Virgo ♍️: Rainbow Moonstone, Selenite, Satin Spar, Green Kyanite, Jade, Jasper, Peridot, Clear Quartz, Diamond + Carnelian.

Candle Colors & Colors for this Full Moon in Virgo ♍️: White for purification, Yellow + Green.

Herbs for Virgo ♍️: Rosemary, Lavender + Mugwort.

Essential Oils For Virgo ♍️: Rosemary, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Vetiver + Tea Tree.

Spiritual Cleansing Prayer for Full Moon March 2022: I pray to release any procrastination from my life so that I may be fully attentive to my dreams and take action to make them become a reality.

Full moons are all about manifesting, endings, and releasing. Full moons give you a chance to pause, reflect and observe how your life journey is progressing so that you can make any corrections if necessary.

The full moon and the Sun are opposite of one another. (Moon: Virgo ♍️ // Sun: Pisces ♓️)

Virgo Full Moon πŸŒ• energy is all about healing so that you're able to let go and move on. This full moon πŸŒ• is a time to sit with our pain, trauma, and heartache and focus on giving ourselves love and compassion. Virgo ♍️ is a sign of goddess. This goddess carries many gifts but the most important one is the power to heal. Through healing, this moon also offers us forgiveness, Forgiveness is often known as one of the hardest forms of release --- especially when it's time to forgive ourselves. Healing + Forgiveness are essential on our spiritual journey especially when we are on the path to manifesting and connecting with our higher selves.

Virgo ♍️ energy is associated with work, wellness, and routine. This could push some of you to focus heavily on living a more healthier lifestyle.

This full moon in Virgo ♍️ also known as the full worm moon is the perfect time to

Key questions to ponder during the Full Moon in Virgo ♍️ :

  • In what ways do you currently feel misunderstood? Why do you think that is?

  • What is one act of service you could do for someone you love? What is something they could help you with in return?

  • What big goals do you have for this year? How can you break them up so that you are able to reach them?

Look to see what house Virgo ♍️ occupies to see where this Full Moon energy will manifestβ€” and be directed for you.

The Full Moon πŸŒ• in Virgo ♍️:

* Be productive and free and break free from what's weighing you down.

* Time to reflect.

* This is a good time to check in to see where you need to restore balance in your life.

* If you've noticed an unspoken issue with yourself or a loved one this full moon πŸŒ• is an opportunity for that concern to come into full clarity.

The following signs will be affected by this lunar phase: Taurus ♉️, Virgo ♍️, Gemini β™ŠοΈ + Pisces ♓️

How the Leo β™ŒοΈ full moon will affect all signs


PSA: Make sure that you make time for self-care πŸ§–πŸ½β€β™€οΈ during this full moon πŸŒ™.

✨Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus ✨

  • Aries β™ˆοΈ β€” This full moon in Virgo ♍️ is the perfect time to reflect on your work-life balance and the impact that it has on your health. This is for those of you who are juggling too much at once so make sure you consider boundaries within your work schedule. Try to find daily peace. Whether it lasts a second or an hour, make sure you make time for mental clarity. You need to be able to hear yourself speak. Aries β™ˆοΈ adding more mindfulness in your routine will bring about welcomed changes that are much needed.

  • Taurus ♉️ β€” Romance + Creativity might be on your mind during this lunar phase. In order to make room for more pleasure, you must lead with a willingness to let go. You might have a candle burning for a lover to return; let yourself blow it out. This full moon in Virgo ♍️ is the perfect time for you to reflect on how simple a shift of mindset can impact and create better boundaries within your dating life. Taurus ♉️ inviting more joy and playfulness in your life will shift any stagnant energy that you have at this time.

  • Gemini β™ŠοΈ β€” Be EASY on yourselves Gemini. A situation related to family, ancestry, or your living situation might be reaching its peak. Take this time to incorporate more intimacy into your life and receiving the love and support from your loved ones because it's very critical for you. This full moon in Virgo ♍️ is the perfect time for deeper reflection of family patterns and learning from them. Gemini β™ŠοΈ go through your closet and drawer and throw away things that you aren't using or no longer need because the more you remove what's no longer serve you physically in your home you are sending a sign to the Universe that you're opening up space for more alignment

  • Cancer ♋️— This full moon in Virgo ♍️ is the perfect time for you to open yourself up to new perspectives. Cancer ♋️ this full moon energy might bring a matter with your siblings to an end, reveal a big piece of much-needed information, or influence communication. Take this time to communicate and set stronger boundaries with someone in your life and although boundaries are never fun, they will accelerate your growth. Cancer ♋️ journaling, reading, and writing can lead to profound shifts at this time. This lunar phase is the perfect time to invest in your mental health and wellness.

  • Leo β™ŒοΈβ€” This full moon in Virgo ♍️ is a perfect time and most powerful time to reflect on your self-worth and the way you treat yourself. Figure out what's holding you back or where you're holding yourself back? Some of you might find yourselves questioning "are you living in alignment with your values?" During this lunar phase, changes are coming on the work front so this could mean that some of you are up for a raise, promotion or you just might decide to leave that job altogether. Some of you are recognizing your own power and self-worth and starting your own businesses or pouring your all into your existing businesses congratulations 🎊 πŸŽ‰ 🎈 🍾. Leo's for self-care purposes make sure that you treat yourself instead of cheating yourself so treat yourself to a massage or some type of luxurious dinner. You work hard so you deserve to play harder and take this as a reminder to remember to treat yourself every now and then!

  • Virgo ♍️ β€” Happy Full Moon πŸŒ• in your sign! This full moon πŸŒ• in Virgo ♍️ is all about focusing on yourself especially since you always carry the weight of the world on your shoulders so this full moon energy is forcing you to shift gears. This energy is your period of release. Prepare yourself to say goodbye to old ways of operating or pieces of yourself that no longer serve you. This will free up space for play and committing to your passion or projects that will bring you joy. It's time for you to set boundaries around your time so that you can prioritize activities that fill you up instead of leaving you feeling depleted. Virgo ♍️ for self-care do some inner-child meditation. Check-in with your inner child...Would they be proud of you? Send your inner child the love and care you didn't receive as a child and remind your inner child of their worth. This lunar phase is a powerful time to shift an old belief system and call in a more aligned version of yourself.

  • Libra β™ŽοΈ β€” Some of you might feel emotionally exhausted and like you've reached your limit. Solitude and REST are hella necessary for you right now! GROWTH can be painful and healing isn't always easy. This is a reminder for you to set daily boundaries in your life. If you've found yourself running on fumes there's no other person than to blame than yourself. During this lunar phase, set aside time to found on your healing. Engaging in spiritual practices at this time can expedite a shift in your well-being and bring you much closer to your higher self. Libra β™ŽοΈ meditation is key πŸ”‘ during this lunar phase.

  • Scorpio ♏️ β€” This full moon in Virgo ♍️ is highlighting connection so it's reminding you of the power of connection! Every time you meet a new person it could be an opportunity for you to network. This could mean that someone you've encountered lately could be the missing puzzle 🧩 piece that brings you one step closer to solidifying your hopes and dreams. This lunar phase is also a perfect time to reflect on boundaries you have within your friendships. Ask yourself "where have you been giving your power away? The deeper you consider the balance within your friendships or communities you're a part of, the more you will end up rewarded. Scorpio ♏️ for self-care focus more on your community. Are there any organizations or groups that make you feel seen, loved, and appreciated? It's time for you to spend more time with people who matter and make you feel loved and appreciated or spend time with people who bring you more peace and joy!

  • Sagittarius ♐️ β€”This full moon in Virgo ♍️ is an AMAZING time for you fire πŸ”₯ balls. This lunar phase will offer you lots of attention that will be hard for you to dodge. This is a great lunar phase for your career some of you might be up for a promotion, receive some type of recognition from your boss, or decide to switch gears just like Leo β™ŒοΈ. Some of you are drawing more power from your self-worth. Is your current career aligned with your value system? Does it reflect the legacy you want to leave behind in this world? Remember you're not just here to collect a paycheck!!!! For self-care celebrate your wins and accomplishments during this lunar phase. Post on social media! Tell all of your friends and family. You are more than worthy of all of the praise and recognition.

  • Capricorn ♑️ β€” This full moon in Virgo ♍️ is the perfect time for you to take a risk! You are connecting deeper with your intuition and inner knowing. If you're in school this could also signal a major test or end of a course. Some of you might be finding a deeper meaning in your daily life and recognizing the power of routine. This is a major test to listen to your intuition and connect with yourself through spiritual practices. You have all the answers you need! For self-care: reading and writing serve a higher purpose for you at this time. Following any creative urges to write will also serve you well during this lunar phase.

  • Aquarius ♒️—This full moon in Virgo ♍️ might make you feel like someone is shining a spotlight on your greatest fears. This lunar phase is asking you to face some of your emotional roadblocks and own them. Sit with these patterns and surrender to the emotions that bubble that surface. The more you engage with them, the more you actually transmute that pain into power. Aquarius it first starts with bravery and commitment to confronting your self-defeating behaviors. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE! For self-care allow yourself to receive support from others. If your emotions feel heightened at this time, call a trusted friend or loved one. Do NOT feel guilty for leaning on others emotionally. You deserve to be supported and connected with others that will benefit you at this time.

  • Pisces ♓️ β€”This full moon in Virgo ♍️ reminds you that it's time for you to fill your cup first! For some of you, boundaries might feel foreign when all you crave is to be intertwined with another human on a deep soul level. If you need space then take it, and see how absence makes you feel. Pisces ♓️ be mindful of who you spend your time with and think about who is a part of your inner circle? Who leaves you feeling drained and which people actually send you an energetic boost after spending time with them? You are MAGIC and you deserve to protect yourself. For self-care spend quality time with your partner or close friends and dive deep into controversial topics.

After reading this post I hope everyone who has had any questions about the effects of the Full Moon πŸŒ• in Virgo ♍️ and its impact on the following signs above has received some insight.

Thank you so much for your loyalty + support and also for walking with me through my journey and allowing me to assist you and guide you through yours!


The Spiritual Unicorn πŸ¦„