
Feb 10, 20237 min

General Messages For The Elements 🧿🔮🪬 — Energy, Focus, Love + Money | What's The Tea Pooh

🧿Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus✨🧿

* Take What Resonates with You and Leave What Doesn't *

- Also don't force things to resonate with you if it doesn't.

- All of this will not resonate with you but take what does.

- All of my readings are timeless which means there's no time limit on when things can happen. (Past, present or future)


Gemini ️ + Aquarius ️ + Libra

🌸 Energy 🦋💫: Temporary — Whatever you’re dealing with currently especially in terms of energy is only TEMPORARY! Pay attention to every move, every moment because it’s all for right now! I don't know who this is for but it's just a minor set back for a major come back. Things are about to get better and you're going to comeback greater.

🌸 Focus 🧘🏾‍♀️: Inner Child Work — It’s simple your main focus is YOU and your inner child work. Your childhood trauma keeps you in a lot of situations that healing can get you out of. Heal first!!!

🌸 Love ❤️: Cupid’s Arrow + Interrupting is for ASSHOLES — When it comes to love 💕 air signs have faith Cupid 💘 has love in a chokehold right now but it’s definitely coming for you. Real and genuine love is coming! Not sure who this is for but expect a surprise invitation or a meeting hmm 🧐. Gemini ♊️ stop being so hesitant when it comes to love loosen up! Libra ♎️ or Aquarius ♒️ I know for sure this is for y’all when it comes to love let your partner or the person your dating finish their sentence damn 😳🥴 interrupting is for assholes shitttt!

🌸 Career/Money💵: Crafter — Air 💨 babes it all starts with your hands 🙌🏽. Your gift involves your hands 🙌🏽. Not sure who this is for but there’s something wonderful waiting to be expressed with your hands. Air 🌪 signs think of ways to generate money that nobody has done before or simply try something new. Some of you need to consider careers that involve crafting.


Aries ️ + Leo ️ + Sagittarius

🌸 Energy 🦋💫: Yes + Give and Receiving — This is confirmation that whatever you’ve been waiting for it’s on the way! You’ve been waiting on the answer and the answer is “YES!” Some of you will hearing yes, confirmed and approved.” As far as giving and receiving fire 🔥 babes you will reap what you sow so make sure you’re sowing good things! You don’t have to always be on the giving or receiving end make sure that you have balance fire 🔥 babes.

🌸 Focus 🧘🏾‍♀️: Soul Searching — on doing some soul searching fire 🔥 babes. In order for you to go to the next level you have to look within. If you’ve been wondering why things haven’t been going right or why you’re all over the place it’s because where you’re trying to go physically and mentally your soul isn’t matching. If you’ve been wondering why things have been all over the place with friends, family, job or relationships it’s because your soul and their souls aren’t matching.

🌸 Love ❤️: Love ❤️: Healthy Choices + You’re On The Same Team — When it comes to love 💕 fire 🔥 babes you have to start making healthier choices. Love isn’t easy and real love isn’t perfect but it doesn’t mean that it has to be unhealthy. Not sure who this for but you need to start making healthier choices in love and in life. Love and life go hand and hand so if you’re dealing with toxicity in love 9 times out of 10 your life will start being toxic as well. Healthy choices also equals loving on yourself — start loving on you more. Aries ♈️ I’m getting a tug at my spirit that you need to start focusing on self more especially self care. When it comes to love you have to be happy with self but in love you have to be happier which means a person should add to your happiness not take away from it. Fire 🔥 signs you and your person are teammates remember that and work together because the end goal is love and happiness at the end of the day. I’m seeing that some of you could be dealing with a stubborn individual who doesn’t look at the two of you being on the same team but remind them or this could be vice versa.

🌸 Career/Money💵: MEDIA + MANIFESTING — Fire 🔥 babes don’t allow your talents to go unnoticed have you ever heard the saying your gifts will make room for you? Well your gifts are trying to make room for you but you are in the way! Aries ♈️ and Leo ♌️ a career in media will be perfect for you. If you’re wondering how to increase your finances well increase your publicity! When it comes to MANIFESTING you have all of the tools to increase your income. Fire 🔥 babes good fortune 🔮 is coming your way soon if it isn’t already here. Not sure who this is for but an opportunity may come to you where you will be able to showcase your talent. Last but not least when it comes to manifesting you have to believe you deserve it so the universe can serve it!!


Taurus ️ + Virgo ️ + Capricorn

🌸 Energy 🦋💫: Clear The Air — Earth 🌍 babes when it comes to your energy it’s time for you to clear the air and release all negative energy. It might be that you need to sage your home and yourself so you can reset your own energy. Some of you could be angry or vibrating low and need to raise your vibrations or your spirit guides could be clearing the air and removing any negative energy.

🌸 Focus 🧘🏾‍♀️: Move — on moving or making moves. It might be time for an atmosphere change for some of you earth 🌍 babies it could be that you need to move locations or move to another state but you’re getting too comfortable where you are now. Not sure who this is for but it’s time for you to start making moves so that you can move on up in the world! This could be talking about you needing to move forward or move on so you could be needing to separate from a person or a certain situation.

🌸 Love ❤️: BOAT 🚣🏽‍♀️ + Agree to fucking Disagree — When it comes to love ❤️ some of you are making progression that should of been made a long time ago and I’m proud of you 👏🏽 but for others why is it so hard for you to move on? Are you waiting for closure? Stop using “you need closure” as an excuse and be your own closure. They moved on and you need to as well. When it comes to love 💕 earth signs you have to learn to agree to disagree and move tf on! You’re going to see shit differently and that’s life so understand that or you will forever be single!

🌸 Career/Money💵: Planner — When it comes to your career and finances start paying attention to details and create plans to grow your business or personal finances earth 🌍 babes. Now is a good time to look at your finances and map out what needs to change so that your finances can increase.


Cancer ️ + Scorpio ️ + Pisces

🌸 Energy 🦋💫: An Ex Involved — When it comes to your overall energy water 💦 babes the connection you had with your ex is fucking up everything or the connection your partner has with their ex is fucking up everything — let that baggage go and move tf on! Not sure who this for but your partner could be cheating but get your facts together before thinking it’s cheating first! You could also be cheating or entertaining an ex don't think you're exempt from getting caught.

🌸 Focus 🧘🏾‍♀️: Inner Child Work — Water 💦 signs some of you need to focus on doing some inner child work. Some of you are still battling childhood trauma which is playing into your daily life overall. You have to heal so you can graduate to a survivor so that you’re not always the victim!

🌸 Love ❤️: Kisses 😘 + Go on a real fucking date + We can’t be all things — When it comes to love you are meant to love unconditionally and you’re meant to be loved unconditionally. So if it isn’t unconditional love to hell with it 🥴. Not sure who this is for but why are you constantly dealing with people who are incapable of giving you the same affection that they are receiving from you. You deserve equal affection!!! Not sure who this is for but some of you will be falling in love soon if you aren’t already. Spirit is saying that some of you water 💦 babes need to stop playing and go on a real date (no phones, no social media). Pull out your perfume or cologne and get your sexy on! Not sure who this is for but when it comes to love 💕 you don’t know it all and some of you need some assistance (counseling) could do the trick!

🌸 Career/Money💵: The Rebel — When it comes to career and money you’re a “TRAILBLAZER” which means you're meant to see things differently and set a new path for others.. Water 💦 signs you’re rebellious spirit makes you a great system buster to teach others a better way. Just face it some of you water signs especially Cancer’s ♋️ and Scorpio’s ♏️ just aren’t meant to follow the rules. Pisces ♓️ learn how to bend the rules sometimes. Not sure who this is for but an old belief system might be keeping some of you water 💦 babies from getting ahead. Some of you aren't meant to be an working for others water 💦 babes that's why it's always an issue at work that's The Universe telling you something. You are meant to be a boss/entrepreneur it might be that you just haven't tapped into your creativity enough for you to find your niche but you'll find it soon.

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S/N: take what resonates w/ you and leave what doesn’t 🧘🏾‍♀️ — if it does resonate don’t hesitate to book a personal reading with me. You can book a personal reading with me by visiting my website 👉🏽 www.spiritualunicornbae.com



"This is for entertainment purposes only. Take whatever information you receive from any tarotscope and do with it as you please!"