
Apr 15, 20223 min

🔮 General Tea ☕️ Messages For The Elements 🌍💦🔥💨 What’s The Tea ☕️ EARTH 🌍 SIGNS ⁉️ — 04/15/22

🧿✨ Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus ✨🧿

* Take What Resonates with You and Leave What Doesn't *

* Also don't force things to resonate with you if it doesn't

☕️ Messages aren't time-sensitive:

Meaning when you stumble across this post the message could still apply!


What's the tea ☕️ with y'all⁉️

EARTH 🌍 SIGNS it looks like some of you are going through some type of heartbreak 💔 or separation…Some of you could be dealing with you and someone close to you not communicating right now and you’re going through the motions…I’m seeing that some of you feel played, betrayed and almost like you’ve been stabbed in the back by someone close and you’re thinking to yourself “how could you because I would’ve never done that to you?” Sometimes people that we wouldn’t have did like that move just like we wouldn’t of moved. It’s definitely a harsh reality earth 🌍 signs…I’m seeing some of you not being able to sleep 😴 and staying up late because you’re in your head 🤧 meditate 🧘🏽‍♀️ earth 🌍 signs so that you can clear your head of those wondering thoughts. I’m hearing your angels tell you that everything will be okay because it will be. Capricorn ♑️ appeared as a clarifying card so this message could be heavy for Capricorn ♑️ or you could be dealing with a Capricorn ♑️ or someone with Capricorn ♑️ or placements. Don’t let what you’re going through distract you from all of the good that’s coming to you. I’m seeing that some of you will be hearing some good news here soon so don’t give up no matter how easy giving up seems…Keep going! I’m seeing that some of you will be recognized here soon for all of your hard work and some of you might be celebrating some type of accomplishment 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽…Remember who the fuck you are earth 🌍 signs because it seems as if some of you have forgot so here’s a reminder that you’re amazing and you’re a bad ass human being and you deserve all of the good that’s coming your way. If you’re questioning someone’s intentions they have good intentions and your best interest at heart don’t write them off earth 🌍 signs. Whoever you’ve been thinking about that’s in heaven they want to tell you hi 👋🏽 or hello…They can feel your energy and although you wish they were here giving their earthly presence they want you to know they are no longer suffering and they are with those who they’ve missed and they were greeted and welcomed with open arms. This person wants you to be happy for them and always remember that they are protecting and guiding you from the spiritual realm as they would’ve on earth 🌍 whew that was deep!!!

Angel Number: 1234 — your goals are within reach and you’re making progress…I’m seeing that some of you will be hearing good news here soon!!!

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart ❤️ if you enjoyed this post!

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S/N: take what resonates w/ you and leave what doesn’t 🧘🏾‍♀️ — if it does resonate don’t hesitate to book a personal reading with me. You can book a personal reading with me by visiting my website 👉🏽 www.spiritualunicornbae.com


"This is for entertainment purposes only. Take whatever information you receive from any tarotscope and do with it as you please!"