
Jan 5, 20225 min

Mercury in Retrograde in Aquarius ♒️ + Capricorn ♑️ 01/14-02/03) Advice + More! What’s the tea ☕️⁉️



Miscommunication, gossip, confusion, travel snags, patience

This RETROGRADE is special it will be in Aquarius ♒️ + Capricorn ♑️.

• January 14th — January 25th in Aquarius ♒️
• January 26th — February 3rd in Capricorn

When Mercury is Aquarius ♒️ this is the perfect time to look at life from ALL aspects so that you can gain a new perspective. This is a good time to relaunch in terms of love and career.

When Mercury is in Capricorn ♑️ It’s time for our minds and souls to better understand marriage, work, relationships with family, friends and ourselves. Which relationship slow us down versus lifting us up? This will assist you with freeing yourself from it.


The planet Mercury rules communication in all forms—listening, writing, reading, speaking, and so on—as well as activities closely related to communication, like negotiations and contracts. It also rules travel, automobiles, shipping, and mail.

So, when Mercury is retrograde, try to remain flexible, patient, and understanding, allow extra time for travel and avoid signing onto any new contracts that you’re unsure of. Double-check your email responses and check-in with reservations before you take that trip. Review projects and plans at these times, but wait until Mercury is direct again to make any final decisions. You can’t stop your life, but plan ahead, have backup plans and be prepared for people’s shorter fuses and miscommunication.

🧿 Don’t sign any contracts (hold off at least).

🧿 Prepare yourself for traffic and other travel mishaps.

🧿 Avoid any situations that can lead to a misunderstanding.

🧿 Don’t rely too much on technology.

🧿 Avoid starting anything new.

🧿 Delete those texts to your ex. Don’t be the Mercury in Retrograde ex 😂😳. Ignore any text messages from your exes.

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius ♒️ advice for each sign!

  • Aries ♈️ — During Mercury Retrograde you’ll be very popular. Friends and Acquaintances will most likely be reaching out to you to either check in or catch up but use this to your advantage by figuring out how these people can open up doors to your goals. Use this energy to get active on social media or even consider online dating.

  • Taurus ♉️ —News regarding your career is coming your way! You will be swarmed with new ideas and people communicating with you about different projects. New contracts or new business ventures might even pop up however avoid both during this Retrograde period. Use this energy to re-strategize your important goals to prepare yourself for the year ahead.

  • Gemini ♊️ — Some of you might want a change of scenery during this RETROGRADE so traveling and vacation planning is likely. Make sure you don’t buy anything during this RETROGRADE phase.

  • Cancer ♋️ —Communication with your business partner or your romantic partner will be hella important especially to make sure you’re on the same page. Some of you might find yourselves connecting better while others might feel certain things need to change or need to be worked on. Your mind might be focused on your assets and investments so take an inventory and see how you can make both grow.

  • Leo ♌️ — Honey it’s time that you find the middle ground or a common ground in your relationships. Connecting with others on a solid note will be important to you. This could consider discussing long term plans or goals or figuring out the best time and place to meet to discuss negotiations. Plan ahead to experience rocky or miscommunication during this RETROGRADE so choose your words carefully or watch what you say.

  • Virgo ♍️ — You will be juggling so many things in your daily routine that might make something feel off just a tad bit. Some of you might be biting off more than you can chew but now is the perfect time to set boundaries and draw the line. Some of you might be focusing more on the future (job, health, children). Planning ahead might be more important to you now!

  • Libra ♎️ —Romance and creativity are flooding your mind! Most of you will be focused on work but also trying to have a good time at the same time. Single libra’s will deal with a lot of communication when it comes to dating or people trying to reach out. If you’re committed you’ll be focused on finding that spark with your partner again. The Universe is blessing you with more time for hobbies and art during this period.

  • Scorpio ♏️ — Problem solving important aspects is really relevant at this time especially with home and family. If you have to move or do some renovations there will be some bumps along the road.

  • Sagittarius ♐️ — You will find yourself being more active and spontaneous especially when it comes to speaking about your ideas or opinions. Some of you will want to broadcast your thoughts or feelings to the world! During this phase you’ll find yourself busy with contracts, academic, marketing or communication projects. Update your resume or website asap!

  • Capricorn ♑️ — Finances are creeping back up or becoming an issue again. What you own, how you manage your money and your budget will be something you find yourself reviewing big time. Apart of you might feel like you know the answer but the uncertain part of you might feel like reevaluation is needed before you set things in stone. If you’re out of work and looking for a new job it’s on the way!

  • Aquarius — Speak your mind which is something you do well and hardly have trouble with. With Mercury being strong in your sign you’ll gain mental clarity, vision and charm that come second to none. Since the retrograde pops off in your sign there will be times you’ll feel like everything hits you at once causing confusion no matter how you turn. Accept the delays or setbacks as opportunities to revise your strategy for the year.

  • Pisces ♓️ — Your dreams will. E off the charts or deeper than usual! This will put you in position to do a lot of brainstorming for your personal and professional goals for the year. Don’t rush anything but be open to synchronicities and messages from the universe. If you get a feeling in your gut that something is right or it’s the right path to take then most likely you’re right. If you sense something to be too good to be true it most most likely is as well. Beware of secrets from you or someone else popping into the spotlight! Remember what goes on in the dark comes to the light.

Here’s how you can prepare for this Mercury retrograde in Aquarius + Capricorn:

1. Back up all your electronics

2. Make sure to sign all legal documents before retrograde

3. Finish all old and pending projects

4. Clear mind of old limiting beliefs

5. Reconnect and rebuild old relationships — release all grudges that you have. Forgive, let go and move forward.

6. Revisit and re-evaluate goals

7. Slow down and take more time for self-care

8. Delete old emails, photos, texts, etc.

9. Clear your energetic field

10. Reset the mind-body and soul

11. Take more time for self-care and reconnect back into your truth

After reading this post I hope everyone who has had any questions about the Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius ♒️ + Capricorn ♑️ has received some insight.


Thank you so much for your support and walking with me through my journey and for allowing me to assist you with guiding you through yours!




The Spiritual Unicorn 🦄