
Sep 6, 20224 min

Mercury in Retrograde in Libra ♎️ — 09/09-10/02) Advice + More! What’s the tea ☕️⁉️

THEMES: Miscommunication, gossip, confusion, travel snags, patience.

While in Libra ️ On September 9th this retrograde will have a powerful impact on our relationships and when it transitions to Virgo ️ if you’re not organized you will feel like you’re being knocked down so it’s important to communicate effectively so that it doesn’t affect our connections in a negative way and make sure you have your shit in order so you can end this retrograde successfully.


The planet Mercury rules communication in all forms—listening, writing, reading, speaking, and so on—as well as activities closely related to communication, like negotiations and contracts. It also rules travel, automobiles, shipping, and mail.

So, when Mercury is retrograde, try to remain flexible, patient, and understanding, allow extra time for travel and avoid signing onto any new contracts that you’re unsure of.

Double-check your email responses and check-in with reservations before you take that trip.

Review projects and plans at these times, but wait until Mercury is direct again to make any final decisions. You can’t stop your life, but plan ahead, have backup plans and be prepared for people’s shorter fuses and miscommunication.

🧿 Read through your messages before you send them. Read through your posts before posting them.

🧿 Be mindful of what you believe during Mercury in retrograde.


🧿 Avoid making major decisions just yet – don’t cut off your siblings or loved ones in a moment of anger. Instead, withdraw, reflect and deal with it after the Retrograde is over.

🧿 Don't give in to gossip while Mercury is in Retrograde.

🧿 As with all Retrogrades, and especially a Retrograde in Libra ♎, we will need to check and re-check all facts and slow down before we speak so that we can avoid needless mistakes. This is the ideal opportunity to Reflect, Review and Renew – all the “Re” words.

Which signs will be affected the most?

  • Aries

  • Gemini

  • Virgo

  • Libra

Which signs will be affected the least?

  • Taurus

  • Leo

  • Scorpio

  • Aquarius

Mercury Retrograde in Libra ️ impacts on each sign!

  • Aries ️ — During this retrograde season you might feel like you’re putting in too much effort when it comes to your relationships. Some of you might feel like your boo isn’t making enough time while your ex or old boo won’t stop blowing up your phone. Do your best not to jump to conclusions! Keep your decisions in check until October 2nd.

  • Taurus ️ — Managing your stress is a big deal during Mercury Retrograde. You might find little things pissing you off and when it comes to relationships you might threaten to end things, but should you? No. Find something to ease your stress during Mercury Retrograde.

  • Gemini ️ — Try not to confuse drama with excitement for the month of September. Your passion will be high while Mercury is in retrograde since it’s moving through your romance zone but so will your temper — one false move could send your temper through the roof so try not to say something you’ll regret.

  • Cancer ️ — Recycling or revisiting your past isn’t the move for Mercury Retrograde or anything involving love. If you find yourself double backing with an ex find something worth your time or let this storm pass. You could be craving comfort and your ex makes you comfortable so instead go visit your best friend or do something for self-care or treat yourself to something nice. Be. mindful of others need for space and alone time during this retrograde period.

  • Leo ️ — This Retrograde is showing up in your house of communication. This retrograde you might find yourself misconstruing text messages or conversations. Do not make assumptions about peoples motives at this time. If you have questions just ask them directly. Tone of voice and body language are important so make sure you watch yours.

  • Virgo ️ — Mercury Retrograde is showing up in your 2nd house it’s important that you align around all the mundane stuff that actually does matter in relationships: coordinating schedules, managing shared bills, planning actual dates. Make sure you have a sense of humor!

  • Libra ️ — With the Mercury Retrograde beginning in your sign, you might have a few complaints to share but hang on before those scales ⚖️ of yours go swinging wild to the extremes. Don’t fire verbal shots challenge yourself to be creative and proactive during Mercury Retrograde.

  • Scorpio ️ — Although everybody has baggage make sure you’re checking yours during Mercury Retrograde. Digging into peoples past or trying to find their skeletons in their closet could end up back firing on you especially if you haven’t revealed any of your own skeletons. Find other ways to build trust other than trying to be a private investigator.

  • Sagittarius ️ — Give the dating apps a rest during Mercury Retrograde especially with Mercury Retrograde bringing issues with technology!!!

  • Capricorn ️ — Talk out issues that you are both facing and break the silence. The only two people opinions that matter are yours and your partners do watch out for people giving their opinion on your relationship.

  • Aquarius ️ — Find ways to create space without breaking hearts or blurring boundaries. When you both pull away a little you’ll both pull back bigger and stronger.

  • Pisces ️ — You will find yourself being in your emotions during Mercury Retrograde but make sure you surround yourself around your much grounded friends who can talk you back into your senses. Make sure you’re not reacting to things out of jealousy.

Here’s how you can prepare for this Mercury retrograde in Libra ️:

1. Back up all your electronics

2. Make sure to sign all legal documents before retrograde

3. Finish all old and pending projects

4. Clear mind of old limiting beliefs

5. Reconnect and rebuild old relationships — release all grudges that you have. Forgive, let go and move forward.

6. Revisit and re-evaluate goals

7. Slow down and take more time for self-care

8. Delete old emails, photos, texts, etc.

9. Clear your energetic field

10. Reset the mind-body and soul

11. Take more time for self-care and reconnect back into your truth

After reading this post I hope everyone who has had any questions has received some insight.


Thank you so much for your support and walking with me through my journey and for allowing me to assist you with guiding you through yours!




The Spiritual Unicorn 🦄