
Aug 23, 20234 min

Mercury in Retrograde in Virgo ♍️ : 08/23–09/15) Advice + More! What’s the tea ☕️⁉


Miscommunication, gossip, confusion, travel snags + technology mishaps.

When Mercury is in Virgo

  • With Mercury Retrograde being in Virgo ️ it won't be like most retrogrades because mercury's favorite sign is Virgo lol...You'll experience some good vibes while it transitions through Virgo ️. Instead of not signing contracts you'll need to read the fine print before signing while it's in Virgo.

  • The following signs will experience a smooth ride or at least you'll be least impacted: Capricorn ️ + Taurus


The planet Mercury rules communication in all forms—listening, writing, reading, speaking, and so on—as well as activities closely related to communication, like negotiations and contracts. It also rules travel, automobiles, shipping, and mail.

So, when Mercury is retrograde, try to remain flexible, patient, and understanding, allow extra time for travel and instead of avoid signing any new contracts just make sure you're reading them thoroughly while Mercury Retrograde is in Virgo ️.

Here’s how you can prepare for this Mercury retrograde:

1. Back up all your electronics

2. Make sure to sign all legal documents before retrograde or read the fine print if you're gonna sign a legal document.

3. Finish all old and pending projects

4. Clear mind of old limiting beliefs

5. Reconnect and rebuild old relationships — release all grudges that you have. Forgive, let go and move forward.

6. Revisit and re-evaluate goals

7. Slow down and take more time for self-care

8. Delete old emails, photos, texts, etc.

9. Clear your energetic field

10. Reset the mind-body and soul

11. Take more time for self-care and reconnect back into your truth

Which signs will be affected the most?





Mercury Retrograde in Virgo ️ impacts on each sign!

  • Aries ️ — This Retrograde will affect your 6th house of health and work. You will be pushed to get in self-care mode and stick to a fitness routine that you've been putting off. You will also get your professional affairs in order when facing confusion.

  • Taurus ️ — This Retrograde is said to bring hope, happiness and pleasure to those born under this sign. It's showing up in the 5th house of romance, pleasure and love. Some of you might be tempted to take your begging ass ex back, crush on new people or take up on a new hobby. With your sign being linked to Venus (the planet of pleasure) you will find yourselves seeking indulgence in your sex life 👀

  • Gemini ️ — Your sign is one of the signs ruled by Mercury, which means your intensely affected by every Mercury Retrograde but the affects of this Retrograde should prove to be positive in the long run. This Rettograde is showing up in your 4th house of home, roots and family. This Retrograde will have you focused on resolving conflicts with family or you might be busy with redecorating and upkeep of your home.

  • Cancer ️ — This is believed to be an emotional time for you as you will face the worst part of this Retrograde. This transit will show up in your 3rd house which is the house of communication and it will affect it in a negative way. Some of you might find yourselves saying things that you don't mean to hurt your loved ones. Some of you might find yourselves unintentionally ghosting people or getting out of character and being rude to those close to you. It's important that you keep your head clear and mind calm during the three weeks of this Retrograde.

  • Leo ️ — This Retrograde is expected to directly affect your 2nd house of money and values. You'll find yourselves rethinking your financial decisions and feeling a pinch 🤏🏾 in your pockets.

  • Virgo ️ — Happy Retrograde in your sign for the next 3 weeks. Just like Gemini ️ Mercury is also your ruling planet which almost always makes Mercury Retrograde a little harder for you. The fact that this Retrograde is in your sign you can expect a huge impact. This Retrograde will show up in your 1st house of self. You will be given many opportunities to evaluate yourself and your existence. You will come out wise and peaceful after this Retrograde ends.

  • Libra ️ — This Retrograde falls in your 12th house of spirituality. You won't be your normal charming and sociable selves instead you'll find yourselves in a meditative state sbd chasing inner peace above everytging else.

  • Scorpio ️ — This Retrograde falls in your 11th house of networking, friends and community. You will be inspired to reach out to people you've lost touch with. You will try to mend past relationships and you'll end connections that no longer serve you.

  • Sagittarius ️ — This Retrograde falls in your 10th house of career and public image. You will either receive good news of a long-waited promotion or you'll interfere with the plans of professional growth and expansion. There ain't no in betweens. You'll be advised to think quick on your feet and remain productive despite any troubles that are on the frontline.

  • Capricorn ️ — This Retrograde falls in your 9th house of travel and expansion. You will go on an unexpected journey during this time. You'll find yourselves thinking beyond your normal thought process and come to an important realization. There will be times when you would feel lost or not so like yourself because your mind would go places that you have not explored before but it's always been essential for your self-growth.

  • Aquarius ️ — This Retrograde falls in your 8th house of intimacy and finances. It's all about money and forward thinking for you. You'll find yourselves settling debts and looking more at controlling your expenses and taking a more futuristic approach. This Retrograde will leave you with important things especially learning about money management.

  • Pisces ️ — This Retrograde falls in your house of partnerships. This time will allow healing for you. You will focus on dealing with your past and securing present fe

After reading this post I hope everyone who has had any questions has received some insight.


Thank you so much for your support and walking with me through my journey and allowing me to assist you with guiding you through yours!




The Spiritual Unicorn 🦄