
Mar 185 min

Mutable Signs 🍄 : Gemini • Virgo • Sagittarius • Pisces — Week Ahead + Advice Msgs ☕️ • 03/18–03/25

Mutable 🍄 Signs, what's the tea ☕ with y'all this week⁉

| Gemini • Virgo • Sagittarius • Pisces |

| Sun ️, Moon 🌝, Rising 🌅 + Venus 💘|

🌸 Significant Signs/Placements Connected: Taurus , Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius (Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus)

🔮 Energy:

HAPPY NEW WEEK Mutable 🍄 signs.

📌 You’re receiving double confirmation that someone wants to reconcile with you. You and someone might reconcile this week or here soon. This could also be that you’re wanting to reconcile with someone. You and this person may need to have a conversation so that you’re able to begin your healing process and move forward. You may feel like you can’t forgive them until you have a conversation with them but in order to forgive you don’t need to communicate with this individual. You haven’t been able to start your healing process because you’re waiting on apology from someone who doesn’t see any wrong in their actions so they’re not gonna apologize and you have to accept it for what it is and move forward. Trust in your angels 👼🏽 to guide you this week. Trust that they are working hard behind the scenes to make shit happen for you although you’re not able to visually see it know that it’s being done. Stop trying to force things and go with the flow. I don’t know who this is for but I heard spirit say stop trying to breathe life into dead situations and move on.

📌 This week will cause for a celebration 🍾 and some champagne 🥂 bottles being popped. Some of my Pisces ♓️ will be celebrating their birthday 🥳 this week as Pisces ♓️ season closes out while others will be celebrating 🥳 something else. Whatever you’re celebrating congratulations 🍾🎉🎈 in advance. Some of you are being encourage to make a wish or manifest whatever it is that you desire this week and watch how whatever you’re wishing for or manifesting is granted by your angels because they’re waiting on you they just want you to be more clear in what you want.

📌 This week some of you will need to look within and do some self-reflecting. Whatever answers you’re seeking stop searching outside of yourself and look within because the answers are there. You could be looking for love or wanting romance from someone but give it to yourself you don’t need it from anyone else you want that. For some of you, I see romance coming your way and you meeting someone new either this week or soon. You and this person will have a spiritual connection that is undeniable.

📌 Your angels are peeking in on you. Angel #444 is showing up in your energy. You could be seeing this number on your time clock ⏰ or anywhere. If you’ve been seeing this angel number this is confirmation this message is for you. This is confirmation you’re being guided and protected by your angels on the other side. If you’ve been feeling unloved this is a message of your angels that you are loved. This is also confirmation that your dreams are being manifested and a wake up call for you to trust your intuition. Your past is showing up in your energy this week because it’s affecting your present/future. You still have some healing to do and some work that needs to be done. I’m showing that this is connected to your home/family.

📌 If you were seeking confirmation of your path currently you’re receiving confirmation that you’re on the right path and you may get some type of confirmation this week. You might question if you’re on the right path well here’s your answer. Stop holding onto things that no longer serve you. Release your scarcity mindset and recognize the power that you hold to change your situation.

📌 This week some secrets will be exposed. Whatever skeletons someone was hiding 🙈 will be revealed. An earth 🌎 sign is significant.

📌 A Taurus ♉ is significant for some of you. This could be a lover, friend, family member, or you could have Taurus ♉ placements. This person could be desiring you sexually, or you could desire them sexually. This person could’ve done magic on you or had magic done on you or you could’ve done magic on them or had magic done on them.

🌱 Keywords/Themes: Chinese New Year • Peppermint • Frozen • Skeleton 💀 • Icicles 🥶 .

🫧🌸 Extra Tea 🍵 :

🌸 You could’ve recently gotten a new pet or you’ll be getting a new pet this week. Some of you might have to take your pet to the vet. I see someone switching their pets food just to see if this new food is good for them. If you’ve been feeling down your pet is going to provide you with comfort. For others, you’ve been neglecting your pet and it needs your attention.

🌸 Home 🏡 is significant this week. Some of you might’ve recently moved into a new house or apartment or you’re gonna get approved for a house or an apartment. Some of you might have to find a new living arrangement or your life could’ve recently gotten adjusted so you have to go stay somewhere else for a while. Somebody might go shopping for some new furniture this week. You could be doing some new to your home or doing some home fixtures.

🌸 You may face a minor set back towards an intended goal this week, don't allow this to discourage you. You may just need to revisit and re-evaluate your game plan in order to formulate a new approach.

🌸 A shift in energy this week will grant you the opportunity to be able to pursue your goals and dreams that you have been putting off.

🌸 This is cool but think 🤔 of another idea or back up plan (Career, Job, or Business).

🌸 You are amazing, unique, talented, and very pretty/handsome. I took this as you needed a reminder to remember who the fuck you are this week.

🌸 Move on from ideas that don’t feel right this week. If it doesn’t feel right that means that it isn’t for you. Learn to start trusting your gut especially when you feel like something isn’t right or for the first time and stop second guessing yourself or thinking you’re tripping because it will save you a lot of trouble the first time around.

🌸 Somebody wants their cake and eat it too. This could be your energy or the energy of someone you’re connected to. 🔮 Significant Signs: Capricorn, Aries (HEAVY), Libra (HEAVY), Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius, or Gemini.


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