
Feb 82 min

Nurture 🌱 Your Spiritual Growth: How To Manifest Your Soulmate?! Journal πŸ“” Prompts & Affirmations Included

I’m sure you’re here because you want insight on how to manifest your soulmate.

Determine what you want or don't want out of a soulmate and set those intentions. Make a list of the qualities you want your soulmate to have and be VERY specific about EVERYTHING.

Start visualizing being with a person that has these qualities. Don't focus on a specific person instead focus on those qualities because the specific person you're focusing on might not be your soulmate so you're interfering with your manifestations.

Ask The Universe and your spirit team to bring the best partner for you. Do NOT set a timeline on when this will happen instead let things happen naturally. Allow things to flow!!!

It's important that you're working on yourself. Learn to heal and love on yourself as well because you can't expect anybody else to love you if you don't love yourself. The more you love on yourself the more love you will attract. Make sure that you're open minded on who you might meet. This person might not be your typical by the way!!!

Start doing what makes you happy. The happier you are, the more happiness you'll bring in your upcoming relationship. Think about what you can offer to your future relationship with your soulmate.

Work on your communication skills and opening up. Embrace vulnerability and accepting yourself.

Get in alignment and connect with your higher self. The higher your vibrate the more likely you are to attract someone who's high vibrational as well.

Identify the limiting beliefs and what's holding you back. No all the good ones aren't taken because there's somebody out there good for you. Stop telling yourself all the good ones are taken because you're creating a blockage.


  1. I am worthy of love πŸ’•.

  2. I am open to receiving love.

  3. I am in a loving relationship.

  4. I am a magnet for love.

  5. I believe in the magic of soulmate love, and it is coming to me.

Journal Prompts

  1. How does your soulmate make you feel?

  2. What do you and your soulmate do together?

  3. What does your soulmate look like? What qualities do they have?

  4. What does your love life look like with them?

  5. What does your love feel like with them?

  6. How do you communicate with each other?

  7. What are you goals in life together?

  8. How do you uplift each other through the good and bad?

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart ❀️ if you enjoyed this post!

After reading this post,

I hope everyone who has read this post has received some insight.

Thank you so much for your support and walking with me through my journey and for allowing me to assist you with guiding you through yours! xoxoxo The Spiritual Unicorn πŸ¦„