
Oct 12, 20213 min

Saturn 🪐 Goes Direct on Oct. 11th impacting these 5 zodiac signs the most!

Updated: Oct 14, 2021

As y’all know Saturn 🪐 is the planet of karma so when it goes retrograde (goes backwards) it’s all about rebalancing karma.

Saturn was in Retrograde beginning May 23rd and went direct on October 11th.

Retrograde meaning: Directing or moving backward. Also, retrograde means looking back at the past, and is known to be the ideal time to reflect on the past year.

Direct meaning: What it means when we say a planet is now in ”direct” this just means the planet 🌏 is now moving in the right direction.

While Saturn 🪐 was in Retrograde it was associated with delays, obstructions, misery, debts and even chronic health issues.

Saturn being in retrograde was just a time of self reflecting and looking at your life as a whole just to make sure you’re on the right track.

Saturn is associated with partying, overdoing it, excess mania and mental illness. Saturn 🪐 also plays a big role in why we cut people off immediately with no warning.

While Saturn was in retrograde and you were playing games or involved with someone that you didn’t take seriously 😳 with this planet moving direct they will be removed from your life completely. Aries, Aquarius and Capricorn if you were dealing with a fling or someone you didn’t take serious its coming to an end.

How Saturn 🪐 retrograde affected you was really depending on the role Saturn 🪐 was assigned in your birth charts. This might be a good reason to know your birth chart or keep it close to you or saved in your phone so that you can stay up to date with how the moons (full/new) and the different retrogrades will affect you personally.

Now that this planet is in direct everyone can have a sense of relief except the following moon 🌙 signs — This is based on your moon sign but can resonate with sun, moon, rising and venus as well!

  • Gemini ♊️—You will likely to have gains in forms of inheritance or gains from investments done in the past.

  • Libra ♎️—You will blessed with growth in your career. A promotion or salary increase is likely. Whatever work issues you had in the past will disappear.

  • Sagittarius ♐️ — Your finances will start to pick back up now!!!! 🙏🏽 Some of you might experience a job transfer, the ability to expand your business and making some gainful investments. Saturn going direct is working in your favor especially for career and finance.

  • Capricorn ♑️ —Whew all I see is hard work or working hard 😳. Naturally a lot of you will go back commanding more respect in the workplace. Some of you will experience a positive career change. If you are looking to move in a different direction then your dream will come true. This could also be you traveling overseas to chase after your dreams or a positive career change.

  • Aquarius ♒️ —Be mindful of what you’re doing or saying. Growth outside of your country could be for you! Try not to go overboard with your expenses (save, save, save).

After reading this post I hope everyone who has had any questions about the Saturn 🪐 going direct has received some insight.

Thank you so much for your support and for walking with me through my journey and allowing me to assist you and guiding you with walking and growing through yours!


The Spiritual Unicorn 🦄