
Aug 31, 20222 min

Spiritual 🌸 Tips 💫 — What are Vibrations + How To Raise Them 🧿⚡️

Updated: Feb 27

I’m sure you’re here because you want insight on vibrations and how to raise them.

What are vibrations?

Let’s start with saying that everything you come in contact with on the earth 🌍 is made up of ENERGY. You can vibrate HIGH or you can vibrate LOW. Vibrations are a kind of rhythm — it’s a state of being, the atmosphere or the energetic field of a person, place, thought or thing.

When you’re HAPPY 😃 and in a POSITIVE mood you’re “vibrating high” and it can be felt however when you’re “vibrating low” you could be angry, sad, upset or anything that resonates with negativity which can also be felt because everything is energy and energy can be felt and it also transfers. What or who you surround yourself with can also affect your vibrations. For example: If you’re around someone who’s always negative it can lower your vibrations as well.

HIGH VIBRATIONS — When you’re vibrating high you open yourself to attract a positive flow in your energy field like: good luck, fortune, prosperity and good health. That’s just like if you have someone who’s battling cancer at their earlier stages remaining positive and not stressing can help them with winning their battle (This isn’t for all cases but I’ve witnessed it with someone close to me; I’m not a doctor by the way!).

LOW VIBRATIONS — When you’re vibrating low you open your energetic field to attract the negative side of things because you attract where you are energetically. While vibrating low you’ll attract bad news, things not going your way, etc. This is why it’s always important to keep your vibrations high.

Whenever you’re in a negative state of mind and you’re vibrating low you can use things like Sage, Palo Santo, Bay Leaves, Florida Water + any spiritual cleansing tools to raise your vibrations. Going out in nature and meditating, sitting by water 💦, hugging a tree also helps raise your vibrations.

To continue keeping your vibrations high — meditate, listen to positive music, say positive affirmations or listen to affirmations on YouTube, think positive thoughts, say things that you’re grateful daily and give gratitude to the Universe and your angels and ancestors. If you have a singing bowl you can use a singing bowl to raise your vibrations and the vibrations in your home. It helps break up negative or stagnant energy.

Meditating with certain crystals can also assist you with raising your vibrations. Placing certain crystals in certain areas of your home can remove stagnant energy, block certain energy and keep you vibrating high at home. It’s also important to have crystals in your car, purse, on your body and this will also block out certain energy, remove certain energy and keep you vibrating high!

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart ❤️ if you enjoyed this post!

After reading this post,

I hope everyone who has read this post has received some insight.

Thank you so much for your support and walking with me through my journey and for allowing me to assist you with guiding you through yours! xoxoxo The Spiritual Unicorn 🦄