
Jan 1611 min

The Power of Love πŸ’• Messages: Unlocking πŸ”“ What’s Really Going on β€’ What’s The Real Tea πŸ₯Ήβ‰

Updated: Jan 17


( Gemini β€’ Virgo β€’ Sagittarius β€’ Pisces)

| Sun ⛅️, Moon 🌝, Rising πŸŒ… + Venus πŸ’˜|

Gemini β™ŠοΈ: You're dealing with a gaslighter. This person doesn't want to take accountability or be held responsible for their actions so they gaslight you instead and make you feel crazy about what you feel or know to be true. This person is holding onto their past and they're carrying a lot of excess baggage. They have a lot of healing that they need to do before they're able to give you the love that you deserve. This person would rather avoid you or a conversation than fix what needs to be fixed so that the two of you can have a healthy connection. This person is someone who showered you with love in the beginning and had you thinking that you met the man or woman of your dreams only to start dropping the ball when they felt as if they had you right where they wanted you. This is a connection that you might have to leave behind before you end up more damaged than you were before you got into this relationship/connection. For those of you that are in separation or maybe ignoring this person they're thinking about calling you soon to clear things up.

Virgo ♍️: Any negative energy that was attached to this connection is being cleared out. Whatever obstacles or challenges you and your person faced are no longer relevant. You might've felt like somebody did some voodoo on your love life or something along those lines but you won't feel like that anymore. The sexual chemistry between you and this person is immaculate. This person provides you with comfort on the gloomiest days. You feel at peace with this person and this person is your safe space. This could also be how this person feels about you. The two of you have a soulmate bond. You feel as if the two of you were made for one another and nothing can keep you apart. It's almost like the two of you fit together like the hand on a glove. It's like the two of you were each other's missing puzzle piece 🧩. You could stop yourself from doing certain things out of fear when it comes to this person or connection. You might avoid certain things or even certain conversations. Spirit said to stop being fearful and stop avoiding things without knowing the outcome and do it anyway. This could also be this person's energy.

Sagittarius ♐️: You're dealing with a soul who's been very hurt so they're very detached when it comes to their emotions because they're afraid of being hurt. Until this person heals whatever is hurting or deals with whatever trauma they've been dealt in life they won't be able to love you at their full capacity and the way that you desire and deserve to be loved. You're being advised to proceed with caution when it comes to this person and this connection. Follow your mind instead of doing what your heart is telling you to do. This person projects their feelings and traumas onto you without taking full responsibility for their behaviors. You're not their punching bag so tell them to get somebody else to do it. This person is stringing you along and has no plans of making things official with you. They're playing games and you shouldn't even be taking them seriously at all. You need to trust your intuition because you've been right this entire time. They've probably made you feel like you're tripping but you're not. There could be children involved (baby mama/baby daddy situation) or someone in this connection has kids. If not this just shows that someone in this connection is being childish and immature instead of being grown about their shit.

Pisces ♓️: You and this person have a strong bond and this is a bond that can't be broken. The two of you love each other unconditionally. There's almost nothing in this world 🌎 that you wouldn't do for this person and vice versa. This person is your road dog...They're your homie, lover, and friend all in one. There's nothing they won't do to protect you from being in harm's way. They want what's best for you and they have your best interest at heart. You could be mad at this person right now and you're giving them the cold shoulder or they could be mad at you right now. I don't know why this came up in your reading but you're being warned of a fake friend that doesn't have your best interest at heart. This is somebody who you show a lot of love to and you show up for them a lot but this person is a snake. This could be someone that your person has warned you about before. This person has some ill intentions and they're not genuine at all. They actually wanna ruin you no matter how much they smile in your face with their fake asses. This fake ass friend is nasty and hateful on the inside and they probably tried to interfere with your relationship or will try to interfere with your relationship because they're not happy and they're miserable as fuck. For others, this could be that the person you're dealing with is fake as fuck and they're not genuine but this is something you already know and that's why you're giving them the cold shoulder. It's just the love that you have for this person is keeping you stuck and holding onto what could be instead of opening your eyes and accepting things for what it really is. I don't know who this is for but if y’all stop being so hardheaded you won’t be confused when it comes to love and when a person shows you who they are the first time believe them and stop trying to repaint the fucking picture. A Virgo ♍️ or someone with Virgo ♍️ placements is significant.




(Taurus β€’ Leo β€’ Scorpio β€’ Aquarius)

Β | Sun ⛅️, Moon 🌝, Rising πŸŒ… + Venus πŸ’˜|

Taurus ♉️: Any negative energy that was attached to this connection is being cleared out. Whatever obstacles or challenges you and your person faced are no longer relevant. You might've felt like somebody did some voodoo on your love life or something along those lines but you won't feel like that anymore. This person is worth waiting for or they feel like you're worth waiting for. The two of you need to be patient with one another. Someone in this connection needs to focus on healing. This could be your energy or their energy. It could be that there needs to be some healing around what the two of you experienced recently or in the past. Maybe someone was dealing with a third party while in a relationship with you and the two of you are trying to recover/shake back from that. Use your head when it comes to this connection. For others, I see that space is needed within your connection. Either you need space or the person you're connected to needs space and room to breathe so that they can collect their thoughts. You have to be patient with this person or they might need to be patient with you. There's no need to move too fast because what's the rush?

Leo β™ŒοΈ: You're dealing with someone who doesn't have genuine intentions. You might have this person's best interest at heart but they don't have yours. This person could be dealing with you because they're getting something out of being connected to you. This bond is only surface level. You and this person are together for the wrong reasons and that's why it seems like it's never working or it's up and down all the time. This person has some shadow work to do before they will ever be ready for a relationship or vice versa. For others, either somebody is obsessed with you or you're obsessed with your person. Ain't nothing wrong with a little obsession as long as it's healthy and not overbearing. This person wants nothing more than to be a family with you. They see a bigger picture for their future and you're definitely in it and vice versa. They want the house, cars, kids, and the whole 9 yards. You have to open your heart and trust that this person or they need to open up and trust you if the two of you want longevity within this connection.

Scorpio ♏️: Reunited and it feels so good. Yes, we're reunited and we're understood. I heard those lyrics when I pulled the card "reunite" and while typing your reading. You and someone will be reuniting again or someone is hoping that the two of you can make amends or reconcile. They want to give things another try. They're trying to see if you can dust yourself off and try again okay? This person has come to their senses and they feel as if you're worth working on things with again. You could be in your head and have negative thoughts about this person because of what happened in the past or what they did in the past. And guess what? You're right!!!!! Go with your gut and trust your intuition bookie because this person ain't changed shit but their clothes. They're a wolf in sheep's clothing literally. They're not gonna do anything but string you along again or even worse. They didn't stop the silly shit they were doing before they just think they can find a better way to do it. Spirit said this person can't be trusted period. They're still selfish, they're still a liar, and they still have hidden agendas or hidden motives.

Aquarius ♒️: Someone in this connection is giving mixed signals and needs to seek help. This could be a response to their childhood or some type of trauma but nobody deserves that type of energy. If they keep this shit up the two of you will be forced to move on because who wants to deal with this type of shit. If it ain't happy and healthy you shouldn't want it and neither should they. We are moving differently in 2024. For others, I see that the bond you and this person have will never be forgotten. They gave you an unforgettable vibe. You will love this person for a lifetime. The two of you could break up right now and you will always remember this person because of how they moved when it came to you. This could be speaking to a bond you and someone had in your past. I see the two of you making amends and putting in the effort to make things work this time around.




(Aries β€’ Cancer β€’ Libra β€’ Capricorn) Β 

| Sun ⛅️, Moon 🌝, Rising πŸŒ… + Venus πŸ’˜|

Capricorn ♑️: Ooooh now who the fuck is playing mind games? Is it you or the person you're dealing with? Somebody is creating confusion in this connection/relationship to gain control over the situation. The more mind games that are played the more invested the other person becomes. If you want to stop the mind games with a person you gotta stop playing their game. #PERIOD The reason someone is playing mind games is because they're having mixed emotions about this connection. One minute they want the relationship/connection and the next minute they want their ex or a past person smh. Just like Gemini β™ŠοΈ, someone in this connection would rather avoid the other person or a conversation than fix what needs to be fixed so that the two of you can have a healthy connection. You could be dealing with a Gemini β™ŠοΈ or someone with Gemini β™ŠοΈ placements. For others, you can expect a gift or some type of romantic gesture from your person soon or maybe this week. This person wants to shower you with their love and support. It's looking like this person is your life partner also known as the one for you. I see marriage in the future for the two of you or the two of you could already be engaged. You have to be patient with this connection though. Let The Universe run its course and go with the flow. This person is worth waiting for or they feel like you're worth waiting for.

Aries β™ˆοΈ: You're dealing with a soul who's been very hurt so they're very detached when it comes to their emotions because they're afraid of being hurt. Until this person heals whatever is hurting or deals with whatever trauma they've been dealt in life they won't be able to love you at their full capacity and the way that you desire and deserve to be loved. You could be a side piece or you're dealing with someone who has someone on the side. This person has no intentions of settling down and making you their only so why even deal with them? That's what happens when you're dealing with a selfish individual who's all about themselves. This could also be your energy though. You could be the one who's selfish with someone on the side or always making sure you have a backup plan smh. Be careful because one thing about karma she doesn't play and she doesn't miss. Just like this year is the year of karma. Somebody will be receiving karma for how they moved with you or you might be receiving karma soon for how you move with a certain individual. This could also be speaking of someone being your karmic partner. Some lessons need to be learned in this connection. Once you clear your karma with this person it will clear the path for things to get better in your life. I see that somebody could be feeling guilty and regretful for how they did you. This is something they think about often. They might even reach out to apologize to you sooner or later. They could've already apologized. I see some of you taking a trip soon. Just to clear your heads or you might be taking a trip with a friend or someone special hmmm.

Cancer ♋️: I just wanna say this is the best energy I've received for Cancer in a long time before I even dissect the energy. The two of you are the perfect match. Spirit is showing me that you and your person are compatible and the feelings are mutual. They want you and you want them it's not one-sided. This person is someone that you will have to be patient with but it will be worth your while and theirs. It's important that the two of you aren't moving too fast and taking time to get to know one another flaws and all. This person's intentions are pure and they only want what's best for you. Spirit is showing me that this person is. genuine and they have your best interest at heart. This person wants to be there for you through the good and bad. They want to guide you through the most difficult moments that you might face soon or that you've already faced. All in all, they just want to be by your side. Quality time means a lot to this person and they want to spend some QT with you. Whatever time they spend with you they want to make it count so no phones, no social media, or no distractions just the two of you. Ooooh, I love that for y'all. For others, I see somebody trying to see if the grass is greener on the other side. Somebody is straddling the fence. But remember the grass is never greener on the other side it's only greener where you water it. Somebody out there trying to see if they can find better honey whew. This could be your energy or your person's energy. If you want a relationship to work you gotta water it and put in the work. No slacking!

Libra β™ŽοΈ: When it comes to a person or situation it's important to enforce boundaries because if you don't a person will treat you like a doormat and walk all over you. Boundaries aren't a prison sentence it's to protect your heart and your energy. Because if a mothafucka feels like they can play with you then they will. Do you have boundaries? Do you believe in boundaries? Some of you are dealing with someone who doesn't have good intentions when it comes to you. They have other motives and they're selfish as fuck. This person knows they don't want anything serious with you but they don't want you to potentially give the love you have for them to someone else. They're what we like to call a distraction!!! And to progress in life you have to get rid of those distractions. For others, I see that either you're crushing on someone or someone has a crush on you. This person gives you a feeling you've never felt before or vice versa. Just like you're looking for commitment so are they. Basically, the two of you are on the same page and I love that for y'all. You must make sure that the two of you establish a friendship before anything. Do not just jump into shit because that's how shit ends up being over before it starts.



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"This is for entertainment purposes only. Take whatever information you receive from any tarotscope and do with it as you please!"