
Mar 216 min

Unlocking 🔓 Thursday’s General Msgs 🔮 From Your Spirit Guides 🦋💕 • The Raw Truth

Updated: Mar 22


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Air 💨 & Fire 🔥 Signs

Gemini • Aquarius • Libra • Aries • Leo • Sagittarius

| Sun ️, Moon 🌝, Rising 🌅 + Venus 💘|

🌸 Significant Signs/Placements: Aries ♈ , Taurus ♉, Virgo ♍, Capricorn ♑

🫧 📌 It’s time for you to try something new or do something different . You’re being encouraging you to do something new or switch things up because you’ve been a little too routine which isn’t the normal for an Air 💨 or Fire 🔥 unless you’re an Aquarius ♒️ or Leo ♌️. Whatever you’ve been stressing over I’m seeing the load getting lighter and lighter because better days are coming. There’s a reason why you had to go through what you went through. What you are experiencing are growing pains. Some of you had to be put in some uncomfortable situations before reach your next phase or climb to those new heights. Some of you are being asked to make a decision instead of straddling the fence. Make sure you’re taking care of your mind, body and spirit by hydrating yourselves and meditating 🧘🏽‍♀️….I’m seeing somebody taking care of one more than the others and neglecting the others. I’m seeing a MAJOR shift happening in your life that’s going to require you to let go of some people/situations. Some cycles will end up broken while your life goes in this new direction but it will all be for the better. This shift is going to require you to do things differently. It’s going to require you to see things for what they are and that includes people. You’re going to realize that not everybody is your project and it’s not always your puzzle to fix so let it go! An Aries ♈️ or Capricorn ♑️ is significant so you might have to let an Aries ♈️ or Capricorn ♑️ go completely. This could’ve already been something that you’ve done by the way.

📌 Just like Earth 🌎 & Water 💦 signs message you’re being asked to do more of what you love instead of settling just because of a paycheck. Stop letting this job pay you just enough that you’re neglecting your own dreams/aspirations. I don’t know who this is for but you were put in the position you’re in now to pursue your passion don’t fumble. Whatever you’re waiting on I’m seeing it happening a few weeks from now. For some of you I’m seeing that you’ll be traveling 🧭 or moving a few weeks from now. I’m seeing you hearing some good news 🗞️ that will set the tone for next month (congratulations in advance 👏🏽).

📌 Baby somebody thinks they can tell lies and get away with it but it doesn’t work like that. Those lies will eventually catch up to them if they haven’t already. I’m seeing something being exposed about someone being bisexual or in the closet. There’s been some suspicions here for quite a while now but it’s all coming out. This could be their energy or this could be your energy.

📌 I don’t know who this is for but if you want something sometimes you gotta go get it. If you want this person shoot your shot and stop waiting. Dm them, text them, call them, or hell email them if you have to…You better go get your man or woman. If you need to take it old school and write ✍🏽 them a letter… Whatever you gotta do just do it!




All of my readings are timeless, so there's no time limit on when things can happen. (Past, present, or future)

Earth 🌎 & Water 💦 Signs

Taurus • Virgo • Capricorn • Cancer • Scorpio • Pisces

| Sun ️, Moon 🌝, Rising 🌅 + Venus 💘|

🌸 Significant Signs/Placements: Aries ♈, Leo ♌, Sagittarius ♐, Aquarius ♒, Gemini ♊ + Libra ♎

🫧 📌 Someone is questioning the path that they are on right now…Questioning if they’re doing the right thing or if they’re making the right moves???? If this is your energy here’s confirmation from your spirit team that you’re on the right path. You just need to trust in your spirit team more. I’m seeing you receiving some unexpected blessings here soon. As long as you do your part by trusting in your spirit guides and doing the work the energy that you put out is what will come back to you like a boomerang 🪃…If you put out good energy you’ll get good energy back. Whatever you’re questioning in your mind your spirit team is saying go for it because you already know what you want to so why not do it? Happiness and success is in the cards for you so this is confirmation that happiness and success is yours! Whatever obstacles you were facing I’m seeing you getting through them. Whatever hard times you were facing I’m seeing that they are over now and the path way is being cleared for greater. Double confirmation in your reading that Good news is coming your way. Either you’ll be receiving some good news or you’ll be giving someone good news. Somebody will receive some type of promotion or at least praise/recognition and a possible raise. All of your hard work is finally paying off and this is well deserved. Some of you are being called out I’m seeing someone applying for a new job or talks about looking for a new job at least. I don’t know who this is for but it’s time for you to stop chasing money honey and actually do something that you love doing a change if you’re not already doing it. I’m seeing someone unhappy in their career/job but sticking around because it pays the bills or they get some type of good benefits. Somebody needs to take a break to clear their head so that they’re able to figure out what they’re going to do next. Book you a trip/vacation or even a quick turnaround trip just so you can clear your mind. I’m seeing someone traveling 🧭 out of or moving out state. This could be for work or it could be a better move for a relationship….Some of y’all could also be longing for something different so you jumped in head first once you were granted the opportunity. Somebody has someone in their energy that just can’t get over them. I’m seeing that you need to let this situation go and move on. This person is holding you back from what you deserve. Did the connection have potential? Yes, but there was no growth there…Honestly a lot of cat 🐈 and mouse 🐁…This could also be that you can’t get over someone but I’m seeing that also you need to let it go and move on…It’s all for the better! Somebody is about to get their karma served on a nice silver platter this could be your energy or their energy. For you, whether it’s good or bad just depends on how you’ve been moving lately. Some of you could feel like you’ve been dealing with some type of karma lately it’s almost over that path is being cleared. If this karma is for someone else for how they treated you do NOT interfere let whatever happens happen. Matter of fact separate yourself because sometimes karma can miss them and hit whoever is close to them. Don’t seek revenge either just close that chapter and push forward. This new moon energy is bringing you new beginnings that are well deserved. Some of you will be promoted to a leadership role or receive some type of leadership role and get ready to reach goals that you’ve set for yourself…All in all I’m seeing greatness for you puddings.




All of my readings are timeless, so there's no time limit on when things can happen. (Past, present, or future)

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"This is for entertainment purposes only. Take whatever information you receive from any tarotscope and do with it as you please!"