
Mar 243 min

Unlocking 🔓 Mini Msgs 🔮 For Specific Signs Only 🦋💕 • The Raw Truth • Msgs For Aries ♈️ , Taurus ♉️, Gemini ♊️, Cancer ♋️, Scorpio ♏️, Sagittarius ♐️, Capricorn ♑️, & Aquarius ♒️


This PLATFORM is being moved to PATREON!!!

Please make sure that you have created your account and purchased your membership on PATREON because we are transitioning to PATREON moving forward effective in April (link below ⬇️ )

🌸 Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra , & Aquarius 🌸

| Sun ️, Moon 🌝, and Rising 🌅 |

🌸 Somebody is keeping some secrets from you or somebody is lying to you about something. For most of you, you’ve already had this gut feeling so your angels are just confirming what you already know you just have to trust your intuition and stop ignoring certain things because you want to see the good in a person. Somebody could also be hiding their true intentions and why they fuck with you as hard as they do. I see somebody fronting real hard you got something they want and once they get what they want it’s a WRAP for you babyyy. I’m seeing some of you hiding your feelings because you’re afraid of being hurt 😢 release your fear of being hurt not everybody is out to get you and not everybody is your ex!!!! Stop bleeding on people who didn’t CUT you ‼️

🌸 Taking your business or businesses online and building yourselves an online website has been on your mind heavy here lately. This is confirmation from your angels that you’re on the right path. If you’re looking to increase your finances your angels are advising you to invest in an online website so you can go global instead of just being local. I need you to think on a greater scale and stop thinking small. Just a piece of advice from your angels focus more on expanding your business, social circle and hanging around more like minded individuals.

🌸 A lot of you have been tapping into your inner magic and manifesting the life that you want to life and it looks really good on you. This is confirmation from your angels 👼🏽 that whatever you’ve been manifesting will be fruitful and it’s on its way to you! You are most powerful right now as long as you believe in yourself you’re going to get all that you desire.

🌸 Good news 🗞 is coming your way. If you’ve been stressing about reaching a certain goal or milestone this is confirmation that you’re already reaching your goals or that you will reach your goals. This is confirmation that things are moving in a positive direction or they will be moving in a positive direction if they aren’t already. Just be patient young grasshopper.

🌸 There will be intimate communication between you and someone else. This person could be someone that you like or someone you’re in a relationship with. This could be sexual talk via text or over the phone. I’m seeing someone texting “I miss you.” Or “I want to make love to you.” It’s going to get real deep and freaky!

🌸 I’m seeing someone purchasing something that gives them personal satisfaction this could be something you’ve been wanting to purchase all year, this could be the Jordan’s that came out recently (if any) or just something you’ve been interested in. I heard your angels 👼🏽 say that you need to treat yourself instead of cheating yourself. You’re always doing for others now it’s time for you to do for yourself times ten. You’ve been working hard and you’re about to get a taste of what it’s like to enjoy the fruits of your labor. A lot of you are starting to enjoy the finer things in life and you’re not wrong for how you’re moving!!!!




All of my readings are timeless, so there's no time limit on when things can happen. (Past, present, or future)


This PLATFORM is being moved to PATREON please make sure that you have created your account and purchased your membership going forward on PATREON (link below ⬇️ )