
Jan 92 min

Unlocking 🔓The Power of Self-Healing & Spiritual Growth: What Is An Aura & How To Read/See It?! What Does The Color Mean?!

First of all, let's cover exactly what an Aura is. An Aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living things. Anything alive has an Aura. They can be seen, felt, or sensed. Auras can reveal a person's true emotional well-being as well as their physical state. Think about how someone nice and friendly gives off a very super warm vibe versus someone with negative energy. We notice vibes before people say a word and that's the Aura at work. There's no one method of seeing someone's Aura there are many ways of doing it. An Aura is generally strongest around someone's head. I've noticed that people say it's best to read someone's Aura with a white background but I've read other sources that say they can be read with a very dark black or red background. Use your discernment and go for what you know. I'm just here to teach and spread my knowledge. Try practicing with your hand first before trying to read someone else's Aura.

How To Read:

Pick a point just beyond your hand and let your eye go out of focus. Eventually, a thin white band will come into view. This is the first layer of the Aura. Once you're able to view the white band, fix your gaze a little bit beyond it. Eventually, a color band or colors band will come into view.

What The Colors Mean:

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I hope everyone who has read this post has received some insight.

Thank you so much for your support and walking with me through my journey and for allowing me to assist you with guiding you through yours! xoxoxo The Spiritual Unicorn 🦄