
Dec 24, 20231 min

Unlocking πŸ”“Your Personal Growth: 8 Shadow Work & Self-Healing β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή Journal πŸ““ Prompts

I’m sure you’re here because you want to journal πŸ““ and vibe ✨🧿 with us. You can write ✍🏽 the prompt in your notebook/journal or you can comment your answer in this actual post. This is a safe space babes so let's vibe.

β€” Here's some shadow work journal prompts!



🌻 What are some ways I sabotage my own success and happiness?

🌻 How does my mindset affect my happiness?

🌻 What parts of myself do I hide from others?

🌻 How can I forgive myself for my past mistakes?


🌻 Reflect on a moment that brought you joy recently.

🌻 Reflect on a recent accomplish (big or small).

🌻 What are 5 things that makes you feel beautiful?

🌻 When do you feel at peace most?

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart ❀️ if you enjoyed this post!

After reading this post,

I hope everyone has journaled in their notebook πŸ“’ and taking the necessary steps needed to grow.

Thank you so much for your support and walking with me through my journey and for allowing me to assist you with guiding you through yours! xoxoxo The Spiritual Unicorn πŸ¦„