
Jun 7, 20224 min

Weekly Unicorn 🦄 Tea ☕️ (06/06-06/12) FIRE 🔥 Signs| Energy 🔮, Finances 💸 + Higher-Self

🧿✨ Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus ✨🧿

☕️ Take What Resonates with You and Leave What Doesn't *

☕️ Also don't force things to resonate with you if it doesn't

☕️ This energy has no time limit so this could happen this could have already happened, could happen this week or in the near future.

☕️ Roles can be reversed in certain areas could be how you feel or how someone else feels

Aries ♈️ , Leo ♌️ + Sagittarius ♐️

🙌🏽 Higher-Self Message This Week: What is my heart trying to tell me that I refuse to hear?

🔮 Energy: Fire 🔥 signs, what's the tea ☕️ with y'all this week⁉️ Fire 🔥 signs whoever you’re questioning 🤨 as far as their intentions your guides want you to know this person is genuine and they have no ill intentions. I’m seeing some drama happening this week or an argument and fire 🔥 babes y’all are over it 😤 I’m seeing somebody sick and tired of being sick and tired and wanting something new but can’t let go of a person or a situation. I’m seeing you being offered something but you’re content with what you have although you deserve better. Financially I’m seeing all of your hard work paying off 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I’m seeing you enjoying the fruits of your labor. Im seeing y’all putting in work now spirit is saying don’t forget to treat yourself because you worked hard and all of it shows. Push confirm ON that CART fire 🔥 signs or go buy yourself whatever you want because you deserve it! I’m seeing financially things are just working out for you. I’m seeing financial stability and you being in position to take care of your family or those around you. I’m seeing an increase in your business or somebody receiving a pay raise or new position. For some of you this talks about being financially responsible this week. Pay attention to the angel numbers you see this week because there’s a message for you. Some of you have been asking for a sign and you’re receiving a sign from your angels 👼🏽 with angel numbers.

Signs significant: Aries ♈️ so this message could be specifically for Aries ♈️ or someone could be dealing with drama involving an Aries ♈️…An Aries ♈️ could be over a situation or bored with a person or situation and settling and this could be a message for you to stop settling.

💸 Finances: Fire 🔥 signs, when it comes to your finances this week I’m seeing some type of loss happening this could be the loss of a job or loss of money in general. I’m picking up energy that some of you might lose out with an investment so be mindful of where you’re investing your money…Fire babes a major phase in your life is coming to an end but this gives you an opportunity to embrace newness in your life and welcome new beginnings…Let go of what was so that you’re able to focus your mind on whats ahead of you. I’m seeing that some of you might be grieving a loss this could be a physical, spiritual, financial or mental loss and it’s actually in your way because you’re unable to focus and keep things together. Work through your loss so that you’re able to focus fire 🔥 babes. If you’re looking for a career that you would succeed in (secretary, staff assistant, office manager or anything dealing with working in an office) would be great for you. Fire 🔥 signs if you want to improve or increase your earnings delegating more can help you. Just like air 💨 signs tap into your spirit animal and unleash and build wealth with your spiritual animal will help you financially. This week think before you offer help you have to learn to set healthy boundaries financially. Fire 🔥 signs make sure your goals are yours not anyone else’s…Don’t be afraid to ask for help this week if you need it.

📮 Messages From Your Angels/Spirit Guides: FIRE 🔥 signs just like AIR 💨 signs your guides are advising you to burn 🔥 some energy cleansing tools in your homes to clear the energy in your home or to clear your energy in general because people are trying to fuck with your energy. You can clear that negative energy by burning some sage, palo sant, bay leaves etc…Also crystals will be helpful for you this week fire 🔥 babes you’re being encouraged to visit a metaphysical store either in person or shop online and purchase whatever you’re spiritually led to purchase (visit my online store if you feel led to)…Fire 🔥 signs all that you’ve been praying for is coming — that house, that job, that car, that business, that major purchase…All you’ve been manifesting and praying for this is about to come into fruition just be patient and trust the process 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart ❤️ if you enjoyed the weekly energy tea!

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"This is for entertainment purposes only. Take whatever information you receive from any tarotscope and do with it as you please!"