
Sep 18, 20224 min

Weekly Unicorn 🦄 Tea ☕️ (09/19-09/25) FIRE 🔥 Signs | What's the energy 🧿 this week pooh?

🧿 Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus ✨🧿

️ Take What Resonates with You and Leave What Doesn't *

️ Also don't force things to resonate with you if it doesn't

️ This energy has no time limit so this could happen this could have already happened, could happen this week or in the near future.

️ Roles can be reversed in certain areas could be how you feel or how someone else feels

Aries ️ , Leo ️ + Sagittarius

🙌🏽 Higher-Self Message This Week:

I am learning more about who I am.

🔮 Energy: Fire 🔥 signs, what's the tea ☕️ with y'all this week⁉️

Fire 🔥 signs this week your angels 👼🏽 are saying right now is the time for you to take care of yourselves and focus more on self-love + self-care. How can you live on yourself more? What can you do for self-care this week? What is something you need to remove from your life? Your angels want you to spend more time creating memories either by yourself or with the ones you love. Do something adventurous this week or do something you've never done before. You're never too old to learn something new fire 🔥 signs if you've been thinking about going back to school or picking up a trade or getting more knowledge in your career field here's a sign. Your angels want you to know that it's okay to cry so if you've been fighting or holding back tears they want you to let them out and they're reminding you that tears 😭 are purifying for your soul and crying is something you shouldn't be ashamed of.

Fire 🔥 signs just like air 💨 signs I'm seeing that either you need to see a doctor or that some of you will being seeing a doctor this week this could be for a regular check up or you could've been in pain lately and scheduled yourself a doctors visit. This could also be mental health issues and you seeing to speak with a therapist or spiritual healer.

Your angels are screaming at you telling you to do some shadow work. Healing ❤️🩹 isn't a one day thing you'll forever work on healing parts of yourself and you can't be on your journey and thinking you're going to skip ⏭shadow work (it's not that sweet)...Heal so that you're able to let your guards down. If you've been working on your shadow selves here lately you're on the right track.

Fire 🔥 signs with Mercury still in Retrograde you can expect some conflict this week and possible miscommunication between you and a loved one.

Somebody from your past can't get over you and might find themselves spinning the block but spirit is showing me that this person is a liar 🤥 and that part about them hasn't changed. They're not loyal at all and you can't trust them. Especially with Mercury being in Retrograde now isn't the time to pursue this individual.

Fire 🔥 signs your angels want you to do what makes you happy don't fall victim to people pleasing instead make this week all about you! Put yourselves first 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 give yourselves the flowers 🌸 you deserve.

If you find yourself wanting to give up your angels are saying to you don't give up because what you're going through is just a test of your faith.

Spirit is showing me that somebody is jealous of you and it's causing them to send you the evil eye 🧿 so if you notice yourself out the blue/randomly wanting to give up that's what them sending you the evil eye 🧿 is doing to you...It's causing lack of faith.

Fire 🔥 signs a lot if you will be cutting off people and situations that no longer serve you. Some of you will be seeing people and situations for who they are and Mercury Retrograde will be exposing it all. That ex or old lover that thinks they can double back will be exposed for who they are. Friends that are fake as fuck and mean you no good will be exposed. Mercury Retrograde is in Libra ♎ right now and the theme is exposing relationships and that's what it will do.

This week is your break through moment - new beginnings and a fresh start for a lot of you. Some of you will hear good news and doors will open for new opportunities. This week some of you will receive praise and recognition for all of the hard work you've been putting in. Whatever you've been manifesting I'm seeing it coming into fruition. A lot of you are dedicated to putting in the work and it's all going to pay off (don't believe me just watch)!!!!! Whatever you do no matter how tough the roads might get don't give up fire 🔥 signs.

Significant signs: Cancer ️, Air 💨, Earth 🌎 + Fire 🔥

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart ❤️ if you enjoyed the weekly energy tea!

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"This is for entertainment purposes only. Take whatever information you receive from any tarotscope and do with it as you please!"