
Jul 4, 20235 min

Zodiac Talk πŸ’¬: Full Moon πŸŒ• in CAPRICORN ♑️ β€” How it affects all 12 signs⁉️ What's the TEA πŸ΅β‰οΈ

🌸 Spiritual Themes: Structure and Long-Term Goals.

🌸 Spiritual meaning: The astrology meaning of The Full Moon πŸŒ• in Capricorn is emotional, spiritual and material growth

🌸 Spiritual Prayer: "Spirit, guide me on my righteous path so that I may recognize, understand, and embrace my true essence. Show me how great this life can get when I live in my truth. Remove fear and hesitation when taking my first steps toward the life I want to live, and the legacy I will leave behind."

🌸 Crystals: Rainbow Moonstone, Satin Spar, Selenite, Clear quartz, Black tourmaline, Tourmalinated Quartz, Jet, Obsidian, Malachite, Turquoise + Green Aventurine.

🌸 Candle Colors : Indigo, Black + Grey are traditional color associations for Capricorn..

🌸 Herbs/Tea: Valerian, Rosemary, Chamomile, Tarragon, Daisies + Orange Tiger Lilies.

🌸 Essential Oils: Frankincense, Cypress, Spruce, Fir, Chamomile, Rosemary.

  • Full moons are all about manifesting, endings, and releasing. Full moons give you a chance to pause, reflect and observe how your life journey is progressing so that you can make any corrections if necessary.

  • The full moon and the Sun are opposite of one another.

(Moon: Capricorn ♑️ // Sun: Cancer ♋️)

  • This full moon in Capricorn ♑️ is also known as the Buck Moon. It's also a super full moon πŸŒ•.

  • This full moon πŸŒ• will take place on July 3rd at 7:39 A.M. eastern standard time however, you can feel this energy 3 days before and 3 days after.

Information + Key Details about The Full Moon in Sagittarius ♐️

πŸ“Œ This full moon πŸŒ• in Capricorn ♑️ can bring us luck β€” but only if we are living our most authentic lives. If you’ve put the time and energy into projects and relationships, this is a moment of celebration.

πŸ“Œ The full Moon in Capricorn ♑️ is a powerful time for bringing awareness to what you need to release in order to achieve true balance in your energy. ItΒ wants us to feel just as much as the Sun in Cancer ♋️. It simply wants us to find meaning and power in those feelings.

πŸ“Œ Capricorn is also associated with integrity. This energy wants us to show up in the world standing firmly in our truth. It challenges us to be the same person no matter where we are, who we are with, or what situation arises. Furthermore, having integrity means we interact with the world consistently in a way that matches our core ideals and beliefs.

πŸ“Œ How to use this energy:

  • Spend time grounding in nature.

  • Allowing yourself space to feel.

  • Work on your legacy.

  • Reviewing who you are and what you want.

  • Organizing your life.

  • Working on your career, goals, and/or business.

  • Self-Care and joy because life isn't supposed to always be serious.

Key questions to ask yourself during the Full Moon πŸŒ• in Capricorn ♑️:

  • What new things happened within these last two weeks and how did they make me feel?

  • What obstacles have I gone through recently and what have they taught me?

  • What are the small things that I am grateful for right now?

Affirmations for this full moon πŸŒ• in Capricorn ♑️️:

  • I release any fear that is holding me back.

  • I let go of others expectations of me.

  • I trust my own ability to create my reality

Look to see what house 🏑 Sagittarius ♐️ occupies to see where this Full Moon πŸŒ• energy will manifest β€” and be directed for you.

All signs will be affected or feel this full moon πŸŒ• in Capricorn ♑️ but the following signs/placements will be affected and feel it the most.

The following signs will be affected by this lunar phase the most: Aries β™ˆοΈ, Cancer ♋️, Libra β™ŽοΈ + Capricorn ♑️.

How the Capricorn ♑️ full moon will affect all signs?


PSA: Make sure that you make time for self-care πŸ§–πŸ½β€β™€οΈ during this full moon πŸŒ™.

✨Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus ✨

  • Aries β™ˆοΈ β€” The full moon πŸŒ• will be all about career and goals for you. You will be more motivated to grab opportunities and create your own.

  • Taurus ♉️ β€” The full moon πŸŒ• encourages you to step out of your comfort zone. This full moon is going to bring you clarity on an emotional and intellectual level. Most importantly prepare yourself for clarity in your personal life. Whatever is going on will help you evolve as a person.

  • Gemini β™ŠοΈ β€” The full moon πŸŒ• encourages you to make sure you're not trauma bonding and have actual foundations in friendships. You will have a need for closeness and intensity in all interpersonal relationships that will lead to you building close bonds with others.

  • Cancer ♋️ β€” The full moon πŸŒ• is encouraging you to take inventory on which relationships are giving back to you and further to pour into the ones you can see a future with. This full moon will shine light on relationships/connections that aren't working. Use your discernment.

  • Leo β™ŒοΈ β€” This full moon πŸŒ• encourages you to go the extra mile for yourself as you do for others. Your health is being highlighted during this full moon. Make sure you're taking care of your health.

  • Virgo ♍️ β€” This full moon πŸŒ• is highlighted around your 5th house of celebration and creativity. If you've been missing your creative spark you'll feel it more now. Pleasur, love and creativity are at an all time high for you at this time.

  • Libra β™ŽοΈ β€” This full moon πŸŒ• encourages you to use this time to think about how your home can best suit your needs so you can be your best self. Some of you might need to give your home a makeover, etc do what needs to be done instead of avoiding it.

  • Scorpio ♏️ β€” This full moon πŸŒ• encourages you to make sure you're saying what needs to be said. Your thoughts, words and ideas hold weight at this time.

  • Sagittarius ♐️ β€” This full moon πŸŒ• encourages you to pay attention to your pocket and make sure you're budgeting for long term. Take care of your needs but also pay attention to opportunities for financial growth that could serve you in the long run.

  • Capricorn ♑️ β€” HAPPY FULL MOON πŸŒ• in your sign ‼️This full moon πŸŒ• encourages you to ask yourself how you're redefining yourself at this time? How are your values serving your purpose and long term vision. What goals of yours are coming to completion right now? Are you taking time to celebrate them? Now is the time to celebrate how far you've come!

  • Aquarius β™’ β€” This full moon πŸŒ• encourages you to ask yourself are you connected to yourself? If not, what parts are asking to be seen? Pay attention and allow yourself space to move through what comes up. This could be telling you to do some inner child work because that could be holding you back.

  • Pisces ♓️ β€” This full moon πŸŒ• encourages you to lean on your friends right now. If you don't have any get out and make friends. If you need help working towards long term goals your friends are ready to support you. What you're pouring into your friendships you're about to get back tenfold.


After reading this post I hope everyone who has had any questions about the effects of the Full Moon πŸŒ• in Capricorn ♑️ and its impact on the following signs above has received some insight.

Thank you so much for your loyalty + support and also for walking with me through my journey and allowing me to assist you and guide you through yours!


The Spiritual Unicorn πŸ¦„