
Feb 18, 20233 min

Zodiac TALK πŸ’¬ β€” Luck πŸ€ of Luck πŸ€ ; what are your lucky πŸ€ numbers and your luckiest day?

β€” I’m sure you’re reading this blog right now because you want to know the tea β˜•οΈ?

What is your zodiac sign? Check your big 3 (sun, moon, and rising)

**** Also you can check your sister sign πŸ’ž

You can use these numbers for the lottery or hell anything! Now this is just based on astrology don't be mad at me if your numbers don't hit but this is said to be your lucky πŸ€ numbers.

Aries β™ˆοΈ - You could use a big lottery win to start your own company because we all know Aries β™ˆοΈ don't like working for nobody!

Lucky πŸ€ numbers: 5-8-16-24-37-43-51

πŸ€ Luckiest days: Tuesday, Wednesday + Sunday.

Happiest Time For You: 1:00pm πŸ• to 9:00pm πŸ•˜

Taurus ♉️ - If you won the lottery you wouldn't mind investing but you'd be very cautious so most likely you'd be more interested in saving it.

Lucky πŸ€ numbers: 5-8-10-11-23-34-45

πŸ€ Luckiest days: Tuesday, Wednesday + Saturday

Happiest Time For Your: 2:00pm πŸ•‘ to 6:00pm πŸ••

Gemini β™ŠοΈ - If you won the lottery you could use it to travel 🧭 and invest in your hobbies.

Lucky πŸ€ numbers: 6-9-11-19-25-35-60

πŸ€ Luckiest days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

Happiest Time For You: 3:00 πŸ•’ pm to 5:00 πŸ•” pm

Cancer ♋️ - With your caring spirit if you won the lottery you would donate it to charity.

Lucky πŸ€ numbers: 8-10-21-28-29-47-48

Luckiest days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Happiest Time For You: 2:00 πŸ•‘ pm to 4:00 πŸ•“ pm

Leo β™ŒοΈ - if you won the lottery you'd use it to help someone less fortunate than you or a family member or friend and you'd take yourself on a much needed shopping spree!

Lucky πŸ€ numbers: 2-3-4-17-18-37-44

Luckiest days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday

Happiest Time For You: 1:00 πŸ• pm to 5:00 πŸ•” pm

Virgo ♍️ - You would use your money to help solve problems and find solutions.

Lucky πŸ€ numbers: 6-7-26-30-35-38-53

Luckiest days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

Happiest Time For You: 5:00 πŸ•” pm to 6:00 πŸ•• pm

Libra β™ŽοΈ - If you win the lottery you might use it to spoil your partner if you're taken but if you're single you're going to use it to take yourself on a few dates!

Lucky πŸ€ numbers: 6-7-26-30-35-38-53

Luckiest days: Tuesday, Friday and Saturday

Happiest Time For You: 6pm to 7pm πŸ•–

Scorpio ♏️ - You need to carefully plan with your finances because you have the tendency to have it all but lose it all. If you win you'll most likely be silent about your winners you like keeping your financial business personal.

Lucky πŸ€ numbers: 4-8-10-17-19-41-49

Luckiest days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

Happiest Time For You: 8am to 9am πŸ•˜

Sagittarius ♐️ - If you win the lottery you'll create a budget for yourself and stick to it but you'll make sure you include traveling 🧭 in it

Lucky πŸ€ numbers: 1-5-8-22-29-33-44

Luckiest days: Tuesday, Friday and Saturday

Happiest Time For You: 3pm to 9pm

Capricorn ♑️ - If you win the lottery you're one of the only signs that will clock in your 9-5 until they've built a secure enough base financially to become their own boss.

Lucky πŸ€ numbers: 7-10-18-21-24-36-59

Luckiest days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

Happiest Time For You: 1pm to 10pm

Aquarius ♒️ - You have a tendency to spend a lot of money so if you win the lottery you need to be mindful of how you spend your money.

Lucky πŸ€ numbers: 6-7-13-16-27-34-47

Luckiest days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

Happiest Time For You: 4pm to 11pm

Pisces ♓️ - with you being one of the most intuitive signs listen to what your guy tells you about playing the lottery. Because of your good nature if you won the money you would put it to good use. Pisces ♓️ would also help their loved ones. However protect yourselves so that you're not drained by excessive amounts of financial support.

Lucky πŸ€ numbers:

Luckiest days:

Happiest Time For You:

After reading this post I hope everyone who has had any questions about has received some insight.

Thank you so much for your loyalty + support and also for walking with me through my journey and allowing me to assist you and guide you through yours!


The Spiritual Unicorn πŸ¦„