
Jan 21, 20236 min

Zodiac Talk 💬: New Moon 🌙 in Aquarius ♒️ — Jan 21st : Info+ What It Means For All Sign?

Spiritual Themes: Passion/Love, Unconventional ideas + approaches.

Spiritual Meaning: This astrological event will inspire you to get out of your comfort zone and mingle.

Listed below are the crystals, candle colors, essential oils, and herbs to work with during this new moon

Crystals: Amethyst, Black Moonstone, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Labradorite, Black Tourmaline + Aquamarine.

Candle Colors & Colors: Blue, Purple, Violet.

Essential Oils: Lavender, Pine + Mugwort.

Herbs 🌿 + Teas : Mint, Sage, Mugwort + Licorice Root.

New moons are all about manifesting, resetting, and setting your intentions.

Happy New Moon! May your dreams, visions, and imagination carry you through storms and hardships.

📌 This new moon will appear at 3:52 PM EST on Jan. 21st. This new moon is the time to set your intentions about what we love and are passionate about. This lunar phase you're being asked to cut toxic ties and lean into friendships. This is our first new moon of 2023. Aquarius is a sign that focuses on the collective however, fixed signs such as Taurus ♉, Leo ♌, Scorpio ♏ + Aquarius ♒ are going to feel the cosmic energy the most.

📌 This signifies a time that inspires us to consider the role we play in society. Anybody that wants to get involved with the community this is the perfect time. This new moon will push you to get out and make connections with quality people. This new moon will encourage you to reflect on your social circle.

📌 Don't sleep on this new moon. This new moon is here to help us build something meaningful and lasting in our lives. This lunar phase is good for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf 🍁 or starting a new project. You'll also find yourself questioning old habits, behaviors and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to progress.

The new moon in Aquarius ️ suggests that you (here's how to use this energy)

  • Set Your Intentions!!!

  • Light A Candle.

  • Begin Something New.

  • Go On A First Date.

  • Make A List.

  • Manifest!!!!

Something to think about is where you want to see yourself in 6 months. Use this new moon energy to manifest and set those intentions.

The following signs will be affected by this lunar phase: All signs will be affected but the following four signs will be affected the most - Taurus ️, Leo ️, Scorpio ️ + Aquarius ️.

Check what house Aquarius ️ rules in your birth chart to set better intentions for this new moon 🌙.

  • The Sun and The Moon will be next to each other.

What this new moon means for all signs⁉️

PSA: Make sure that you make time for self-care 🧖🏽‍♀️

✨Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus ✨

️ Capricorn - This new moon is encouraging you to manifest more money. This new moon is appearing in your 2nd house of money, resources and value. If you have money and work on your mind this new moon is the perform new moon for you. This new moon could correspond with a promotion or a raise or this could be a sign that you need to speak up about both. Some of you could be starting a new project or job. This is the time to acknowledge your own worth and value. For self-care make sure you're treating yourself.

Aquarius ️ - Happy LUNAR RETURN 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽!!!!!! This new moon is appearing in your first house 🏡 of self-identity. This new moon invites you to start fresh and redefine your personal goals and the way you present yourself to world. Exciting information might come your way or you might be hit with a million dollar idea. For self-care close your eyes and envision your future self.

️ Pisces - The new moon appears in your 12th house of solitude, rest and closure. Now is a divine time to engage in some self forgiveness and extend your trademark compassion to yourself. Remember you're not defined by your past. If you've been spreading yourself too thin it's time to rest. For self-care write a list of your limiting beliefs.

️ Aries - This new moon is appearing in your 11th house of community allies, hopes and dreams. Good news is on its way to you. It's alignment for you to network and socialize. You never know who will believe in your goals, ambitions or dreams. What groups do you belong to and which ones do you wish to belong to? For self-care sign up for a new group. Whether it's volunteering, a dance class or an online course.

️ Taurus - This new moon is showing up in your 10th house of career and public recognition. This could mark a new and exciting season for your life. This could be a new job, relationship or a desire that's born from within. If you've been working towards a milestone this new moon may align with its achievement and a new chapter in your life. Be present and sink into your gratitude. For self-care think back 10 years ago did you ever think you'd be where you are now?

️ Gemini - This new moon is a reminder that life is a learning experience and you're ready to soak it up and take some risks. You might receive some support and encouraging news. This new moon will appear in your 9th house of perspective, travel, education and sharing ideas. For self-care do something new!

Cancer - This new moon will show up in your 8th house of psyche, shadow, the past and healing. It's time for you to make amends. Releasing old stories about yourself or choosing to better understand past decisions you've made can help you transform and shake parts of your past that have been guiding your decisions and show up in the world. This is a healing time and also time to embrace intimacy. For self-care make a list of ways you're too hard on yourself. Burn the list and dispose of the ashes in the trash can.

️ Leo - This new moon is appearing in your 7th house of partnerships, one-on-one connections and contracts. Partnership is on your mind during this new moon. This could be a New Romantic connection or business connection. Exciting news about a potential partnership might arrive. For self-care bring someone to your minds eye with whom you hope to collaborate or a lover you want to manifest.

️ Virgo - This new moon is appearing in your 6th house of daily routines, habits and health. There's no better time to redefine your rituals and routine than now. Release old habits that are no longer serving you and send yourself forgiveness for not making changes sooner. This new moon reminds you that beating yourseof up over your past isn't productive and that you deserve better. For self-care tune into the things that you usually take for granted.


️ Libra - This new moon is appearing in your 5th house of pleasure, joy, romance and fun. This is your yearly chance to connect with your inner child. What is your relationship to joy? If you're working on a creative project you might get hit with inspiration. If love is a focus, this new moon could plant the seeds for a promising and exciting union. The more fun you have, the more magick will unfold. For self-care be a kid again and do something your inner child would enjoy.

️ Scorpio - This new moon is appearing in your 4th house of family, ancestry, the past and your home. This lunar phase might signal a move or a fresh start with family members. This a time for inner-reflection. What parts of yourself are you ready to leave in the past. You might be feeling more private than normal so take time to focus on your inner world. For self-care reach out to those you define as family, and tell them something you love about them. Nurture these connections and spend time honoring what makes them so unique and special.

️ Sagittarius - This new moon will bring you exciting news showing up in your 3rd house of communication, skills, learning and environment. You might be learning a new skill, planning to travel or simply allowing yourself to indulge in more play. This lunar phase also reminds you that self-expression and sharing your thoughts and feelings will lead to more abundance and fulfillment. Use your voice and speak your mind! For self-care write ✍🏽 a letter to a past version of yourself who was struggling.

New Moon 🌚 Ritual

  • 1. Prepare sacred space

  • 2. Take a ritual bath

  • 3. Ground yourself

  • 4. Energetically clear yourself and your space

  • 5. Journal

  • 6. Write down your intentions

  • 7. Receive divine guidance

  • 8. Visualize

After reading this post,

I hope everyone who has had any questions about the new moon 🌚 has received some insight.

Thank you so much for your support and walking with me through my journey and for allowing me to assist you with guiding you through yours!


The Spiritual Unicorn 🦄