
Dec 23, 20225 min

Zodiac Talk πŸ’¬: New Moon πŸŒ™ in Capricorn ♑️ β€” Dec. 23rd: Info+ What It Means For All Sign?

Spiritual Themes: Structure + Long-Term Goals

Spiritual Meaning: This moon’s message is to be respected for either wisdom or authority. Β Appreciate hard earned knowledge and wisdom and how you can benefit from it. Β 

Listed below are the crystals, candle colors, essential oils, and herbs to work with during this new moon

Crystals: Amethyst, Chalcopyrite, Fluorite, Galena, Garnet, Leopard-skin Jasper, Jet, Magnetite, Malachite, Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz and Tigers-eye

Candle Colors & Colors: Indigo, Black, Grey Green + White

Essential Oils: Frankincense, cypress, spruce, fir, chamomile, rosemary.

Herbs 🌿 + Teas : Valerian, Rosemary, Chamomile, Tarragon.

New moons are all about manifesting, resetting, and setting your intentions.

Happy New Moon! May your dreams, visions, and imagination carry you through storms and hardships.

This new moon will appear at 5:17am ET on December 23rd. This new moon brings excitement for all the new year has to offer you. A new moon happens when earth 🌎 lines up with the sun β˜€οΈ making it look πŸ‘€ invisible. As long as you got your ducks πŸ¦† in a row you can make some shit happen with this new moon. The new moon is also linked up with Uranus, opening up all new kinds of opportunities. This new moon is the perfect time to boss up our lives and make the necessary changes needed to be made. The New Moon will affect everyone in different ways. However, cardinal signs such as Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are going to feel the cosmic energy the most. This signifies a time of revelations and growth for them, forcing the cardinal signs out of their comfort zones. Fixed signs like Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are reflecting upon the changes that need to be made to their day-to-day endeavors to live their best lives in the new year. The mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are taking a stand and implementing boundaries since they take on the emotions of others. As we move into 2023, we will be able to heal the past and create our best lives in the present.

No matter your sign, the final new moon of the year is offering us all an opportunity to reflect on the structures and systems playing out in various aspects of our life. Over the next two weeks leading up to the full moon πŸŒ• , and the next six months until the full moon in Capricorn, pay attention to how the seeds you plant now grow and transform.

The new moon in Capricorn ♑️ suggests that you (here's how to use this energy)

  • Set Your Intentions!!!

  • Setting your goals.

  • Initiating projects.

  • Making a serious commitment to achieving your financial and career success.

  • Create a manifestation board.

  • Manifest!!!!

Something to think about is where you want to see yourself in 6 months. Use this new moon energy to manifest and set those intentions.

The following signs will be affected by this lunar phase: All signs will be affected but the following four signs will be affected the most - Aries β™ˆοΈ, Cancer ♋️. Libra β™ŽοΈ + Capricorn ♑️.

Check what house Capricorn ♑️ rules in your birth chart to set better intentions for this new moon πŸŒ™.

  • The Sun and The Moon will be next to each other.

What this new moon means for all signs⁉️

PSA: Make sure that you make time for self-care πŸ§–πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

✨Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus ✨

♑️ Capricorn - Happy LUNAR RETURN πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½!!!!!! This is your new moon as it shows up in your first house of self and identity. A lot of you might find yourselves doing some soul searching or feeling inspired to go completely blank and start fresh. This is your time to shine in whatever creative endeavors you've been putting your time and energy into. You're magnetic 🧲 right now and people will notice you right away. Don't step away from the spotlight.

Aquarius ♒️ - You'll feel a new beginning on the horizon but on the other hand you might be aware of what needs to be let go of in order to get to the next level. This is a very spiritual time for you with this new moon showing up in your 12th house of endings and completion. You might feel an expansion of consciousness, explore new spiritual tools or otherwise push the bounds of your own spiritual practice.

♓️ Pisces - Your network determines your net worth so it's time for you to put your networking hat on. This new moon is the perfect time for you to put yourself out there and show up for your community. Take some time to reflect on how your contributions you make now in your community can actually help your long-term goals

β™ˆοΈ Aries - This new moon is encouraging you to get serious about your career, long-term goals and structures to put in place for 2023.

♉️ Taurus - This new moon is encouraging you to get clear on the values you are working and the ones that need reevaluation. Give yourself space during this new moon to reconsider how it is that you move with your belief system and explore new ideas. Stop being so stubborn and routine and open your mind.

β™ŠοΈ Gemini - This new moon is encouraging you to increase the intimacy in your romantic life and with the helpful energy of Capricorn ♑️ it can help you approach this in a grounded way. You also might find yourself assessing how you show up for yourself in an intimate way, whether it's spiritual, emotional, physical or even intellectual.

β™‹ Cancer - This new moon will show up in your 7th house of partnerships...This new moon is highlighted around your relationships. The theme for you is energetic exchange and reciprocity in your connections. You tend to over pour into connections so you need to reassess which connections are really working for you. The 7th house also deals with personal and professional connections so pay attention to those too.

β™ŒοΈ Leo - This new moon encourages you to dig in and pay attention to your health. How are you really caring for yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually? What are your self-care routines? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you getting enough food? Take this time for plenty of personal nourishment.

♍️ Virgo - This new moon could have you feeling really optimistic around a certain creative project or idea that you're brewing and you should be with the new moon appearing in your 5th house of self-expression, creativity and celebration. This new moon encourages you to really own your desires and stand up for what you want and own it.


β™ŽοΈ Libra - This new moon is showing up in your 4th house 🏑 of family, home and roots. You'll be encouraged to lean into traditions it will suit you under this new moon. Adding quality time with family or your chosen family is going to feel particularly precious.

♏️ Scorpio - This new moon encourages you to look at how you communicate with your loved ones and whether that communication is effectively helping you move forward. This new moon is about using communication as a tool for you. It's important that you identify the root of things that are going on and how can you use communication as a way to move through challenges that are in front of you.

♐️ Sagittarius - Money will be on your mind with this new moon in Capricorn ♑️. As it shows up in your 2nd house of finances, security and values, you'll feel support in your financial endeavors. Under this new moon and the next 6 months you'll have a great opportunity to budget, plan investments, and work with your money to create a fulfilling life.

New Moon 🌚 Ritual

  • 1. Prepare sacred space

  • 2. Take a ritual bath

  • 3. Ground yourself

  • 4. Energetically clear yourself and your space

  • 5. Journal

  • 6. Write down your intentions

  • 7. Receive divine guidance

  • 8. Visualize

After reading this post,

I hope everyone who has had any questions about the new moon 🌚 has received some insight.

Thank you so much for your support and walking with me through my journey and for allowing me to assist you with guiding you through yours!


The Spiritual Unicorn πŸ¦„