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♥ Increases nobility
♥ Spiritual awareness
♥ Psychic abilities
♥ Inner peace and healing
♥ Healing of body, mind & soul
♥ Positive transformation
♥ Meditation
♥ Balance
♥ Relieves stress
♥ Communication

Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others. Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, and dispels anger, rage, fear, and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity.


Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition, and enhances psychic abilities. It has strong healing and cleansing powers. Amethyst encourages sobriety, having a sobering effect on overindulgence in alcohol, drugs, or other addictions. It calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory, and improving motivation.


Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams. It relieves insomnia. Encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom. Amethyst boosts hormone production and tunes the endocrine system and metabolism. It strengthens the immune system, reduces pain, and strengthens the body to fight against cancer. It destroys malignant tumors and aids in tissue regeneration. Cleanses the blood. Relieves physical, emotional, and psychological pain or stress. Amethyst eases headaches and releases tension. It reduces bruising, swellings, and injuries, and treats hearing disorders. Amethyst heals diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders, and diseases of the digestive tract.

The Peace + Serenity Bracelet (Amethyst)

  • All spiritual items purchased from The Spiritual are cleansed and enhanced before they are sent to you. However, over time, they will pick up negative energies or vibrations and will need to be cleansed again and re-energized. You may also wish to program your spiritual items with specific healing intentions, once they have been cleansed.


    Cleansing Crystals & Gemstones

    Reiki energy will cleanse and energize your crystals. If you are Reiki Level 1, simply hold a crystal in your hand and Reiki it. If you are Reiki Level 2, you can also use the mental/emotional symbol over your crystals.

    The Moon
    A full moon and a new moon are especially powerful for cleansing and recharging your stones. You can place them outside or on a windowsill at these times. Even if it is a cloudy night, the moon's rays will still energize the stones.

    The Sun
    The sun is also a very strong energetic way to cleanse your stones. Even when it is cloudy, the sun's rays will still energize the stones. Be careful though, as some stones will fade in the sunlight.

    Mother Earth
    Gemstones & Crystals come from the earth, so placing them directly into the earth will naturally cleanse all negative energies and re-energize them. I suggest you leave them for approximately 24 hours. If the stones are set, or strung into jewelry, it is best to gently cover them with a cloth first, so that small bits of dirt don't get into the fastenings, etc.

    Running Water
    Holding your gemstones under clear, purified water will cleanse and recharge them. Do not use ordinary tap water. Some stones should not be immersed in water, so if you are unsure whether your stones are water safe, use a different cleansing method.

    Sea Salt
    Sea salt has long been known to have purification properties. For this reason, many people like to place their gemstones directly into a bowl of natural sea salt, however, I find this to sometimes be too harsh on the softer stones. Instead, I use two glass bowls - one larger than the other. Fill the large bowl with sea salt and place the smaller bowl into this. Put your stones into the small bowl and leave overnight for approximately 24 hours. The sea salt will absorb all negative energies from the stones, leaving them cleansed and re-energized. Make sure you dispose of the salt so it is not used again. Only use glass bowls when cleansing and charging gemstones with salt.

    Salt Water
    Again, (as with the sea salt method), I find this to be harsh on some of the softer stones. Only use this method on harder stones, and (as with the running water), if you are unsure whether your stones are water safe, use a different cleansing method. Place some natural sea salt into a glass bowl, and add purified water and your gemstones. Leave for approximately 24 hours and then gently pat dry, or leave to air dry.

    You can place your stones in a bowl of brown rice. Make sure you dispose of the rice afterward.

    Smudging is a very efficient way of cleansing gemstones. You can use sage (white sage is popular), sweet grass, sandalwood, or even incense to smudge your crystals. Simply burn the smudge stick or incense and pass your stones through the smoke. This will clear the stones of all negative energy.

    Singing Bowl
    If the stones are small you may put them into the singing bowl. Place bigger stones close to the bowl, then set your intentions and play with the bowl for a few minutes.

    Using Your Intention
    Focus your mental energies on your crystals and ask the Universe, or your Angels, to cleanse the stones of all negative energies and to re-energize them for their maximum potential. Always thank the Universe, and/or your Angels, after doing this.

    Other Crystals
    Placing your stones on a large quartz cluster will clear negative energies and re-energize the stones. However, you must remember to regularly cleanse and re-energize the quartz cluster to ensure it retains its cleansing and re-energizing powers.


    Which Crystals Are Water Safe?

    Some crystals are perfectly safe to cleanse in water, however, there are many that are not. Crystals that are very soft tend to scratch or flake easily, whilst others contain metals and/or toxins, causing them to rust or become toxic. The following, more common crystals, are considered safe to cleanse in water:

    Agate, Amethyst, Aventurine, Clear Quartz, Citrine, Red Jasper, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Snow Quartz, Tiger Eye


    Programming Crystals & Gemstones

    While it is not essential to programming your gemstones to gain benefit from their healing properties, you can do so if you wish to focus the stones' energy on something specific. To do this, I suggest following these steps.

    Step 1
    Think about what you want from your stone and carefully formulate your intention.

    Step 2
    Choose a stone that resonates with the intention you desire. For example; choose a calming stone for letting go of stress, or an energizing stone to promote action. 

    Step 3
    Cleanse your chosen stone (or stones) with whichever method you prefer. I also suggest that you clear the stone of any previous programming while you cleanse it.

    Step 4
    Sit quietly, hold your crystal and clear your mind of unrelated thoughts. Start to focus on your intention. You may state your intention out loud, or visualize the words of your intention - whatever you feel more comfortable doing. Repeat your intention several times until you feel the vibrations have been absorbed fully into your stone. When you intuitively feel that the process is complete, it is.

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