
Jul 19, 20224 min

Weekly Unicorn 🦄 Tea ☕️ (07/18-07/24) EARTH 🌏 Signs| Energy 🔮, Finances 💸 + Higher-Self

🧿Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus✨🧿

️ Take What Resonates with You and Leave What Doesn't *

️ Also don't force things to resonate with you if it doesn't

️ This energy has no time limit so this could happen this could have already happened, could happen this week or in the near future.

️ Roles can be reversed in certain areas could be how you feel or how someone else feels

Taurus ️, Virgo ️ + Capricorn

🙌🏽 Higher-Self Message: Forgiveness sets you free, it keeps you from hanging onto what was never meant to be.

🔮 Energy: EARTH 🌍 signs, what's the tea ☕️ with y'all this week⁉️

Earth 🌍 signs whatever you’re waiting on will happen around spring time. This could also be that spring time is a significant time for you. I’m seeing that some of you will be leveling up or at your highest peak around spring time. I’m seeing some financial stability so some of you could be working hard and things really starting to pay off for you around spring time. This could be that some of you will meet a man or woman that’s up to your speed on and on their shit around spring time.

Earth 🌍 signs if you’re out there settling or if you’ve been finding yourself settling emotionally your guides are advising you to stop settling. Remember you have many options available you don’t have to settle for anything this goes for love, work, friends, etc…I’m seeing that some of you are confused and you’re not sure what to do with an important decision that you need to make. Give yourself time without rushing and consider all aspects even the consequences earth 🌍 signs.

Earth 🌍 signs whew I’m seeing that some of you are stressed out or you’re allowing your family to stress you out and your guides are advising you to stop ✋🏾 allowing your family drama to stress you out. Disconnect from it. It’s not your job to fix everything some people have to figure things out on their own. Release that baggage 🧳 earth signs and move forward you have your own life to figure out and trying to figure out there’s isn’t your responsibility. Some of you might be traveling to visit family to step in and help them out. Remember you can only do so much but don’t overwhelm yourself with everything.

Earth 🌍 signs I’m seeing that some of you will find yourselves stargazing or will make plans to stargaze this week or here soon. Nature has some of you in a chokehold lol 😂

Earth 🌍 signs hate that player not the game. Y’all need to watch out because somebody is playing hella games with y’all and it’s obvious but it’s not. I’m seeing that some of y’all are trying to settle down with somebody that’s really not ready and they’ve been showing y’all for quite some time now and your guides are advising you to keep your options open without putting all of your eggs in one basket. Somebody isn’t ready for a serious relationship they just enjoy fucking you earth 🌍 signs. This could also be your energy you could be the player that they need to watch out for. The “knight of wands” also talks about taking action on a situation instead of procrastinating this week. Knock off things on your to-do list that need to get done.

Signs that are significant: Water 💦, Fire 🔥, Earth + Air 💨 signs.

💸 Finances:

EARTH 🌍 signs who are business owners or future business owners…I’m seeing that you’ve found your purpose and you’re either already sharing your gifts with the world 🌎 or you’re getting ready to share your gifts with the world 🌎 and if that’s your energy congratulations 🍾🎉🎊🎈I don’t know who this is for but if you’re back and forth and you’re not sure of your purpose take time to find out what energizes you so that you can put your all into it. Business owners make sure you have terms and conditions in your business so that not only you can follow them but others as well.

Earth 🌎 signs just like fire 🔥 signs you have power with your words and you have the power to manifest all that you desire so make sure you’re speaking positively. It’s important that you’re teaching the things that you know and pouring your knowledge into others and watch how you’re blessed tenfold. You have the ability to help others uncover their true purpose and potential use your gift.

Earth 🌏 signs if you’re questioning the path you’re on here is confirmation that you’re on the right path. Keep moving forward and do NOT give up. Your path won’t always be easy remember that!

Earth 🌎 signs make sure you’re not focused too much on the material world 🌍 that you forget about the spiritual world. Now is the perfect time for you to awaken your soul and tap into your ancestral memory and inner wisdom. I see that some of you are activating your soul purpose and you’re reaping the benefits of it congratulations 🍾🎉🎈🎊

📮 Messages From Your Angels/Spirit Guides:

Earth 🌎 signs take some time off to relax and enjoy life. You’ve come really far and it’s time for you to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Book a trip, make that purchase or just do something nice for yourself.

Earth 🌎 signs your guides are advising you not to let fear hold you back. Let go of the things that are hindering you or aren’t serving you purpose. Remember you won’t be able to control everything!

Earth 🌎 signs some of you will show signs of an emotional transformation this week. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you; you’re growing and that’s okay!

Earth 🌎 signs remember to always pray or speak things into existence this will assist you with manifesting all the things that you desire. Write down all of the things you’re grateful for or say them out l

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart ❤️ if you enjoyed the weekly energy tea!


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"This is for entertainment purposes only. Take whatever information you receive from any tarotscope and do with it as you please!"