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Spiritual Activities 💚🌻 — Self-Read 👀 * | Love ❤️ Messages From Your Person 🔐📨📌🥹

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Unknown member
Oct 06, 2022

Wow I saw this message and as I was reading it, my son messaged me, the time said 10:09 (my husbands bday) I went back to this card read, and screen shot it so that I can make it larger, as I was reading it I noticed the time I screen shot it was 10:10 (my birthday) I say this to say…. Your pulls be on point my husband and I have been separated but still reside together for 3 weeks now, today we started talking trying to resolve some things, and I just prayed all morning and the last three weeks, then today I see this at the times that resign-ate our birthdays 🫶🏼💪🏼🫶🏻 ooooh spirit🙏🏼 Asè

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